

“This page has links to a number of papers by Hugh Miller and Jill Arnold, of the Department of Social Sciences at Nottingham Trent University, about identity and Web pages.
We’ve also included links to a number of other sites that we’ve found useful and interesting.
We’re keen to make contact with other people who are interested in this area, so feel free to email Hugh or Jill, especially if you’re thinking of linking to this page or to any of our papers: we’d probably like to see your site.
Jill has a questionnaire (and an opportunity to contact her for an interview) about identity and personal home pages.”

This is a site worth having as it identifies something very vital – web pages and identity. Virtual life does not require the paraphernalia of The Matrix, just the Net as we know it.

Later: Friday, 6 June, 2008

The link is now behind a password, but here are some related ones:

Jill Arnold


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