Saul Alinksy and Kurt Lewin are both on the family tree of my preoccupation, Marx & Moreno . My old friend Dennis mentioned he went to a workshop about them both (some time ago!)
Here is a site that mentions both figures.
Kurt Lewin Notes
Central ideas:
An interest in intergroup conflict, and in conflict between individual and group wishes.
We always exist in relation to a social context. Gestalt ideas can be applied to understanding our place in our social and environmental situation.
We are culturally taught how to see, look, and act. Changing these is in a real sense changing the perceived culture within which we life.
Change can be carried out in ways that respects and humanizes our opponents as well as ourselves. If carried out in violent, dehumanizing ways, it is self-defeating.
And further down:
Saul Alinsky was a social psychologist, and one of the significant labor organizers of the 20th century. He used the Lewinian approach in his organizational and conflict managment skills.