
Character Glossary (Updated link the old one below does not work – Monday, 26 June, 2006 )

Classical Mythology Online – Character Glossary

Asclepius [as-klee'pi-us] (Aesculapius) or Asklepios, "cut up," or "turn round and round"(?)
The son of Apollo and Coronis, he was god of medicine and healing, but was raised by the centaur Chiron, who taught him medicine (Pindar, Pythian Odes 3.5-7). He could restore the dead to life, for which offense Zeus killed him with a thunderbolt (Pindar, Pythian Odes 3.54-58; Euripides, Alcestis 3-6; Apollodorus 3.10.4; Hyginus, Fabulae 49; Diodorus Siculus 4.71.2-3). The most famous temple of Asclepius was at Epidaurus. His children included Machaon, Podalirius (Diodorus Siculus 4.71.4), Hygeia (Health), and Panacea (Cure-all). Family Tree 21.

The original Psychodrama stage? This site is great – the family tree thing is very useful.


Macromedia – Press room : Macromedia extends personalization to the inbox with LikeMinds eMail

LikeMinds observes implicit clickstream behavior, purchase history, and explicit form data on the e-merchant�s site. By comparing such behavior with those of previous visitors to the site, LikeMinds accurately predicts the products and content that are of interest to each individual. LikeMinds eMail uses these recommendations to generate scalable, outbound e-mail campaigns that are personalized to each recipient, driving more repeat visits and more satisfied customers

Sounds almost evil, yet this is the I Like This idea we invented and still await the implementaion of.


John Herbert – ASD Dream Time – Dreaming in Cyberspace

Reflections on Online Dream Groups John W. Herbert, Ph. D.

The advent of global communication via the Internet has brought many changes to the extent to which information can be shared, and it has also changed our sense of community. We are no longer bound by geographical constraints but are linked by communal interests. Electronic communication provides us with many ways with which to share these various interests, and dreamwork has been one area that has proven to be very suitable for this emerging medium.

National Coalition of Arts Therapies Associations

National Coalition of Arts Therapies Associations (NCATA)

National Coalition of Arts Therapies Associations (NCATA)
The National Coalition of Arts Therapies Associations (NCATA), founded in 1979, is an alliance of professional associations dedicated to the advancement of the arts as therapeutic modalities. NCATA represents over 8000 individual members of six creative arts therapies associations.

The creative arts therapies include art therapy, dance/movement therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, psychodrama, and poetry therapy.


Credential Check – Apply

We are no longer accepting new applications at this time. Please check back in the future to see when we begin accepting applications again.

I’ll have to come back later, or is there another place that does this?