

Spring Journal, begun in 1941 by the Analytical Psychology Club of New York, is the oldest Jungian journal. Twice a year we bring you writings from the likes of James Hillman, Ginette Paris, David L. Miller, Sonu Shamdasani, Charles Boer, Nor Hall, Michael Vannoy Adams, Jay Livernois, and many more of the hottest writers in the field. It is edited by Charles Boer and Jay Livernois.

I could not get into Spring Publications site the other day, finished up ordering an old copy of Spring here – 53 the reality issue. It was here within about 10 days. Service was good!


Talk City Learning Center
COURSE DETAILS: Introduction to Film Noir

This is an interesting development on the net, one i think is the beggining of something happening that has been trying to happen for a long time. The business model here seems to be able to support free education with professional teachers!

This is a course run by Powered on Talk city! Fascinating.


Interview with Josh Duhl

The power of a community environment will eventually replace e-mail as the dominant mode of group communication. In some form, community communication serves a critical function for almost every business, and most major business will make significant investments in community capabilities in Internet, Extranet, and Intranet settings in the next two years.

This is an incredible statement – but true! Thanks to Dan Randow for the reference.


Roadshow Diaries: May 29, 2000 (more)

The new economy is very active in France at the moment. There are many communities developing around the Internet. LinkUAll provides technology for the Net industry: calendars, address books, group messaging, file storage. The important thing is to provide a common platform for the tools so people have a unified set of collaboration tools that can be used separately or together – but organized in terms of activities. If you link people around activities, you can identify who has the right to see what.”

Many more gems like this here.

Unfreezing the Corporate Mind

Unfreezing the Corporate Mind
John Seely Brown

If you want to change a corporation, you need to change the conversations happening within it. That was the recommendation from John Seely Brown in his address to Real Time participants.
In a good conversation, the whole is more important than the parts, Brown said. A focused conversation is a self-scaffolding structure that has a dynamic aspect to it . Therefore, if you change the conversations of a corporation, you change the corporation.
“All learning starts with focused conversations,” Brown says. “The only kind of learning you want to think about is collaborative learning. But how do you structure conversations to become self-scaffolding conversations?”

Expertise lies as much in the social mind as in the individual mind, Brown said. Knowledge is distributed across people and across artifacts. So the ability to interpret each other — read what is really happening — is tacit knowledge possessed by the group as a whole. That knowledge is brought together when groups share tasks over a substantial period of time, he said.

This of course is from the author of The Social Life of Information interesting to discover that he wrote that key article (see below) in the first issue of The Fast Company back in 1995.

Community of practice

Communities of Practice – TCM.com DEAD LINK – Saturday, May 8, 2010

In 1997, the Ottawa Organizational Effectiveness Interest Group (OEIG) Book Study Group discussed the article, “The People are the Company” from Fast Company – Handbook of the Revolution. “Communities of Practice” are a central theme in the article. We’ve created a permanent reference for OEIG with the article and some other sources of related information for anyone interested in the subject.
Communities of Practice – References
Communities of Practice
Communities of Practice: Learning as a Social System
CoPs eGroup – Discussion forum – Drafts, working papers, links, and other goodies are shared here.
Collective learning and collective memory
What Should Collaborative Technology Be? A Perspective From Dewey and Situated Learning
Metro Insight: Softwork
More Communities of Practices Links