
That last post is something I have been thinking about for ten years. Here is the proof, a proposal I made for a cybernetic conference in 1997, on the theme of Neccessity & Metaphor

Here is the relevant bit:

Possible theme of a paper could be the — Necessity and Metaphor. Contrary to popular belief ‘we can not think what we like’, words and metaphors have a power of their own. I would draw on the ideas of Jung and Hillman and relate it to metaphors of cyberspace. An example I am pondering at the moment is the word ‘depth’ — is the medium conducive to depth, or only breadth, and height?

So when I listen to Collings (see previous post) these old ideas are stirred. Perhaps proving that cyberspace doeas have depth, especially when old ideas can surface.

Matthew Collings, deep and shallow

I listened to a podcast today for the second time – Kim Hill interviewing Matthew Collings. I realised I had blogged it before in Thousand Sketches, and there is a link there too – I recommend it.

If this is an age of shallowness then it is sort of deep to be shallow. Kim: “Shallow is the new deep”.

I don’t buy that though. It is an age where we are more conscious than ever and we flee. There are oceans of depth and we flee to the shallow. But not everyone. The “long tail” comes into play. At the top of the zeitgeist it may be shallow, ironical & tabloid, but down the tail it gets more interesting, there are activists, thinkers, and people having real relationships.

Anyway, it was a good listen even for the second time, happened cause I was cleaning up after re-installing a backup.

The Pre-Raphaelite Dream

Dunedin Art Gallery:

The Pre-Raphaelites are renowned for their rejection of the everyday, often rather sentimental subject matter of much 19th century British painting. They favoured subjects derived from literary sources and medieval romance, and used vivid colour and lyrical forms for dramatic and emotional effect.

I am interested in this as it has a resonence with my own psychological bent. I imagine those words dont really reflect how the Pre-Raphaelites would
have described themselves.

I will be going to the exhibition I imagine, and have enrolled in the course here at the Uni:

(5 evening sessions and an optional weekend gallery visit)

Course Code: QPR01

This five-evening course looks at the fascinating 19th-century British art movement that is showcased in the exhibition showing at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery this spring. The widely recognised Pre-Raphaelite style will be examined and explained, with both its familiar and its lesser-known concerns and aspects such as the Gothic revival, Italian poetry, the Arts and Crafts and the heroines of literature coming in for special attention.



Always keep Ithaca fixed in your mind.
To arrive there is your ultimate goal.
But do not hurry the voyage at all.
It is better to let it last for long years;
and even to anchor at the isle when you are old,
rich with all you have gained on the way,
not expecting that Ithaca will offer you riches.

Love this poem by Constantine Cavafy. Thanks Stephen, for sending it along a few years ago.
Continue reading “Ithaca”

National Gallery Of Art – Washington. Vincent Van Gogh



I love art galleries, online too. Vincent van Gogh’s Emperor Moth is shown here from an exhibition at the National Gallery Of Art – Washington. (Dead Link) Interestingly the exhibition is over but the site, with commentary remains. I wonder if the Dutch museum has the same stuff online?

Van Gogh’s Van Goghs: Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam is no longer on view at the National Gallery of Art. Our exhibition-related Web features, however, are still available.

Updated August 2021

Easter Saturday 2000 recycled

I was looking for something in the old EditThisPage weblog I kept and was struck by a lovely (if I say so myself) sequence of posts, I have reproduced them here more or less as they were there. I like to keep a series of great pix going in the links. I did that even in the old links pages. I’d never post one I do not like. Aesthetics count and I like to keep tweaking the look. The photo from the Chester Street garden is nostalgic, we moved out last November! — Animal Magnetism: Making O’Reilly Animals


”From start to finish, an O’Reilly animal requires anywhere from 8 to 20 hours of manual labor. And for reasons no one can fully explain, hand-drawn animals on high-tech computer books became a wild success.”

I think it is because computers were never about the thing itself… the fetish is about the living and organic thing they do. I feel an affinity with the O’Reilly images as I have used the William Morris tapestry in as a logo for years, I see a similarity… the same idea, something, in this case, hand crafted, beautiful and symbolic of the Psybernet work… (tree of) life work contained in the (circle) groups.

With that in mind I kept looking. How is this for something Psybernet, more Morris stuff, the harvesting of our work?
(Note: the site has since gone)

“Welcome to the first test MP3 audio webcast from

This is a recording of interviews and conversations at the Mobilization for Global Justice in Washington DC.
Please subscribe to our newsletter for updates and how you can create your own MP3 news/talk webcasts in the near future. will be providing free webspace, discussion boards, polls, and a whole lot more! Stay in touch! Listen to the unedited MP3 WebCast streamed by “

Well if this was a test it worked beautifully and it seems great to be able to get the feel from people on the spot… as it is right there. What a contrast the sounds of a demonstration are with my autumn shot in the garden today.


Pioneer Anime : Lain

lain image
lain site

”There is the world around us, a world of people, tactile sensation, and culture. There is the wired world, inside the computer, of images, personalities, virtual experiences, and a culture all of its own. The day after a classmate commits suicide, lain, a thirteen year-old girl, discovers how closely the two worlds are linked when she receives an e-mail from the dead girl: “I just abandoned my body. I still live here…” Has the line between the real world and the wired world begun to blur?

layer 03: PSYCHE
lain receives mysterious circuit called “Psyche” that improve functions of any type of NAVIs.

layer 04: RELIGION
lain is into remodeling her NAVI after getting Psyche. Outside of her room, the real world and wired world start mixing.”

I find it all intriguing, mainly because it is so psybernett-y and so matrix-y. ”Has the line between the real world and the wired world begun to blur?” What a nice question… and though it seems that it is treated literally here, as if the dead can email from the grave, the power of that notion is interesting. Like all stories, their truth is not related to what actually happened. The two headings, Psyche and religion – are just interesting.

Update: Later I return to this theme in my weblog post re Axis Mundi Plan. It comes up there because of the church thing they have going.