Phone Calligraphy

The shapes and rhythms of calligraphy are on my mind. Calligraphy free from writing. Free from letters. I am having a binge. Will post more that I’m doing on my M200 but here is one with letters from the phone.

This is a new development!

Did this on the phone, in Layers. Exported to ArtRage on the Toshiba M200. Resized from 512 to 1000 px sq. Deleted some bit, highlighted others, added some ink! All still using the layers!



This reminds me of a style that goes with the fifties. It is pre sixties… it may be forties? What is it about certain patterns that link them to eras?

Printing Circle


The ever present battle with pixels. I battle with them, but also accept them, they are brush strokes of sorts. I have tried to enhance the image that came off the iPhone. How does it look? I think it will print up well after this fiddle, click to enlarge.


I printed both and the one straight off the iphone was better. Printing took care of the pixelation quite well. Mind you I am printing these images about 12cm wide on A4 paper.