Marx in “Who Shall Survive?” 04 – Unity of Humankind

The next mention of Marx is in the section called Social and  Organic Unity of Mankind. I’m taking the thesis implied in this title as the first point for discussion. Then I address the section where Moreno references Marx about Christianity. The section opens with the famous lines:

A truly therapeutic procedure cannot have less an objective
than the whole of mankind. But no adequate therapy can be
prescribed as long as mankind is not a unity in some fashion and as long as its organization remains unknown.

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Post to remember

I just found this post: There is no such thing as a person

It’s one I  still appreciate having written.  Strangely, it takes away something of so-called autonomy of the individual. Well, of course, it takes way individualism. Terry Real calls it toxic individualism, but any individualism is toxic. It’s a radical statement: there is no such thing as a person.

It is the exact opposite what Margaret Thatcher said, isn’t it?  That there’s no such thing as society.

Google NotebookLM Podcast (interesting but tiresome already)  People Myth.wav


Not a conversational medium

Dave Winer, just said, in Scripting News: “don’t think of this as a conversational medium, and don’t count on everyone hearing you. Use it for thinking out loud, and be happy when people hear you, but don’t expect it.”

Is that blogging, or textcasting? Or the digital realm as a whole? I’ve had some good conversation in simple closed email groups.

But what I appreciate about Dave’s line is that blogging is thinking out loud, I’ve been doing that in my blog for more than 30 years. I’m taking his words as an affirmation that it is worth doing. Thinking out loud, alone.

I should turn off comments as they have done little – but I appreciate that people sub to this blog.  Not quite alone.