I’ve updated my writing page and moved it to https://www.walterlogeman.com/writing
Reflecting on my work – some of it going back to 1993.
I’m not so obsessed with the internet as I was in the 1990s. I still think the psyche is created through various creative acts such as naming, writing theorising and managing the medium. The psyche evolves. I’d be happy to call it culture, zeitgeist. I think this creativity goes beyond cyberspace. Marx created a bunch of concepts that fit. We can invent fiction and we also invent non-fiction but it has to relate to the real, to fit, to resonate. to enable.
I learned about hyperstition today
Podcast Youtube
The K-Files: Who’s Pulling Your Strings? featuring Amy Ireland
(I will watch this https://vimeo.com/ondemand/hyperstition/167803565)
Truth is Science is Fiction.
a film by Christopher Roth
in collaboration with Armen Avanessian
More here:
Hermes rules the internet – he pulls the strings – but he can’t pull them all — but no one can.
And who rules the world? Mammon?
Who is the angel of history?

It’s like naming a theme in a group. I concretised a discussion by drawing a line on the stage. A fine line between moaning and denial. It resonated.
Does the Angelus Novus resonate with some sort of reality?
Is “relations of production” an angel? who is that entity pulling the strings?
The meaning of INTERSTITIAL is occurring in or being an interval or intervening space or segment : of, relating to, or forming an interstice.
An interstice or interstitium; an interstitial space. Middle English. Noun. interstition. an intervening period …
- Hyperstition
- Superstition
- Interstition
I heard this in the K-Files podcast as well:
Materialism is a description of relationships