There is a verse in this poem I may have put on this blog before, but here is the whole poem with that verse highlighted. It fits for me – recollecting my past but also still loving the bush. That verse is loaded with line after line that are each a “meme” on the internet. (the image above is nothing like the sylvan Wye but it is like the places I roam.)
Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, On Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour. July 13, 1798
The iPad sends feature sets of photos every day. They do a great job. It’s like someone saying “Hey, I love this photos, I love your art!”
I did a lot of sketches (as I call them). The one the algorithm sent stands out from similar efforts at the time. Just the right balance of dark and light.
We’re having fun with ink. I am and the boys, 5 & 7 give it a good go. Here are our efforts. The feature image above is mine, the rest mostly kids with my selections of detail.
I saw a portrait on someone’s wall in a Youtube video, it was weirdly enticing. Reverse searched the image and found him. Now months later I he came up in a Youtube video on artists influenced by van Gogh (see my post). That got me to put together this ‘home page’, for this remarkable man who died so young. I like all of his works, but ‘like’ is not the right word, lots of it just disturb me. But the landscapes and flowers are a delight. Continue reading “Egon Schiele 1890 – 1918”
Bush Is one of my six life streams. Bush in Heathcote, Blue Mountains, Shoalhaven, Tasmania and Aotearoa New Zealand. And back to the Larapinta trail. And the mountains of New Zealand. I’m a bushwalker. It’s an identity I developed in my teens. It’s never gone away. I do more walking in the bush than is evident here. This walking, climbing, mountaineering, tramping, camping and travel aspect is huge in my life but minimal in this blog, as I championed the psyche in cyberspace.
Trees2 Queensland #0196 in
Trees Queensland #0195 in
Growing up on the edge of two national parks I had the years from 8 to 18 years walking, running in beautiful bush. And swimming in the hospitable creeks, surfing in the best beaches in the world. Then I left for teachers college in Tasmania, one big national park. After Tasmania, aged 22 I went on a world ‘working holiday’, but climbing and skiing kept me there then university marriage and parenthood. now in Aotearoa New Zealand still at 77 and almost part of the bush here.
Notice it was university as well that kept me here, part of another life stream I call Words.