Professional identity

My third psyberspace podcast

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Listen: Odeo

Psychotherapy & Counselling – the difference – registration of Psychotherapy as a profession in New Zealand

There is no simple way of saying that someone is doing a psychotherapy in the way we could say they have done an analysis. Psychotherapy as a project!
I also ask the question of how all this might apply or not to psychotherapy online.

Honouring a Classic

A Beginner's Guide to Effective Email

This is a link to Kaitlin Duck Sherwood's classic and once rather useful guide. Effective Email is not a bad title.  It is, in hindsight an idealistic paper, honourable because of that but also impractical & frustrating.  There is an ideology about email embedded in the work that we now know will remain an ideal. In 2006 this 2000 document is dated.  It is dated not just because it is from the last century or because of new technology (it is somewhat technology neutral, but technology has surpassed these older ideas) but mainly because something completely new is needed

    * to relate to the reality of actual practice
    * to grapple with ineffective practices and fallacies  that have gained more popularity

For example there is a link to a page by Kaitlin Duck Sherwood on Email Overload. Which has a range of tips, some better than others but which is flawed in its attitude to the question.  Even in its title.

There is no such thing as email overload, any more than that there is a library overload, or an art gallery overload, information overload or a shortage of time, or difficult problems… you get the idea, own the challenge, don’t be a victim to abundance in the world; be wise to the flow of stuff.

I am planning some posts here around Email Intelligence.  I want to find the central principles of wise email practices.

This is not a trivial thing, a good practitioner would be a back belt in communication, there would be personal fitness combined with a thorough tradition, and like judo would use the energy in the "enemy" as a source of strength, as a friend.  There may be a bigger topic here – the art of communication in the digital era.  I will however focus (slowly I'm afraid) on principles and practices related to email.  And in case you have not spotted, I am already indebted to David Allen's GTD tradition in my thinking here. They are good on email practice, and I also see limitations.

I recall some earlier posts on this theme.  I will go back & tag some old posts.

Defence against pain

Here is another Audio (9.56 min):

Audio Blog post – at Odeo

Thanks Dan for your response.

Maybe my reticence is not for professional reasons … a defence – See Freud's list here on Wikipedia

What are defenses about & for?

What about James Hillman's Acorn Theory

Whatever I am defended about there is also a need to find a way through some genuine difficulties.

Also mentioned:

Sukie Colegrave – By Way of Pain

Sukie Colegrave – Uniting Heaven & Earth


Sub to Psyberspace, the Podcast:

My Odeo Podcast


Playing around with Odio. The audio snip in the last post in now in a new RSS feed called Psyberspace. Who knows what will come of it all. I have done this before, early in 2005 but it is easier now! Also it may be that I can find my voice in that sphere where cyber and psyche meet. It may be that it will sit well with my professional life.

Finding my voice

Five minutes of Audio. [Dead – but found the audio file.]


Some audio about finding my writer’s, my blogger’s voice. And the “show notes” follow:

My envy of Dan’s voice:

Ref to a books I mention: …. Can’t find “I had the Time” maybe it does not exist!

Yalom, Orbach, though these are not good examples as they are professional books. Exposing for all that.

Some talk about pseudonyms.

Reference to Identity blogging & naked blogging


Friday, 10 September 2021

Repaired this post.

Found the Full Circle page and saved (private) it here:


Google Trends: Psychodrama:

New Zealand rates fith when if comes to Psychodrama.   Guess who comes first?

 Google trends is great fun! and mist bare sone profound! uses. like there & how ho promote services.

Nice site for quotes

Aristotle Quotes:

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. Aristotle

This one sums up something wonderful! Moreno has the notion of the co-unconscious and Harville Hendix the “Imago match” but Aristotle already had the idea.

Surfing as I read

Paul Rée – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am reading When Nietzsche Wept by Irvin Yalom. It is a strange mix of fact & fiction. A sort of "theatre of truth" about the origins of psychotherapy. I wondered if there really was such a photo of Nietzsche and Paul Ree. And indeed there is !

Lou Andreas-Salomé – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Salome features large in the opening of the novel & she seems an interesting & important figure indeed.