Postmodern Virtualities

Postmodern Virtualities

Mark Poster

(This essay appears as Chapter 2 in my book The Second Media Age (Blackwell 1995)

“In the twentieth century electronic media are supporting an equally profound transformation of cultural identity. Telephone, radio, film, television, the computer and now their integration as “multimedia” reconfigure words, sounds and images so as to cultivate new configurations of individuality. If modern society may be said to foster an individual who is rational, autonomous, centered, and stable (the “reasonable man” of the law, the educated citizen of representative democracy, the calculating “economic man” of capitalism, the gradedefined student of public education), then perhaps a postmodern society is emerging which nurtures forms of identity different from, even opposite to those of modernity. And electronic communications technologies significantly enhance these postmodern possibilities. Discussions of these technologies, as w e shall see, tend often to miss precisely this crucial level of analysis, treating them as enhancements for already formed individuals to deploy to their advantage or disadvantage.”

Psychotherapy Online with Walter Logeman

Psychotherapy Online with Walter Logeman

My invitation….

Write to me, in
an an email, about one of the following:

One of your dreams.
A difficulty or dilemma you are having.
A challenge or crisis in a relationship.
Strong feelings you have now.
A topic of your choice.

I will respond by email, free of charge, from my psychological perspective.

I will also let you know how to continue psychotherapy online with me if you choose to.

To get started email

I have updated my Psychotherapy Online pages.

August 2021

to be clear… this was 21 years ago.  I did that work for decades and loved it .  I could do so again.  But not now.  Other projects occupy my life. Training psychodrama, running groups .




Symbolic Species

The Symbolic Species : The Co-Evolution of Language and the Brain by Terrence W. Deacon

What separates humans from animals, Deacon writes, is our capacity for symbolic representation. Animals can easily learn to link a sound with an object or an effect with a cause. But symbolic thinking assumes the ability to associate things that might only rarely have a physical correlation; think of the word “unicorn,” for instance, or the idea of the future. Language is only the outward expression of this symbolic ability, which lays the foundation for everything from human laughter to our compulsive search for meaning.

It is this ability to do the symbolic thing that is the stuff that dreams and cyberspace is made of.

Friday, 12 January 2024

But. This is a philosophically idealist perspective.

I have become the world

CTHEORY: Cyberwar, God And Television: Interview with Paul Virilio

Virilio: The body has a dimension of simulation. The learning process, for instance: when one learns how to drive a car or a van, once in the van, one feels completely lost. But then, once you have learnt how to drive, the whole van is in your body. It is integrated into your body. Another example: a man who pilots a Jumbo Jet will ultimately feel that the Boeing is entering his body. But what is going on now, or should happen in one or two generations, is the disintegration of the world. Real time ‘live’ technologies, cyberreality, will permit the incorporation of the world within oneself. One will be able to read the entire world, just like during the Gulf War. And I will have become the world. The body of the world and my body will be one. Once again, this is a divine vision; and this is what the military are looking for. Earth is already being integrated into the Pentagon, and the man in the Pentagon is already piloting the world war – or the Gulf War – as if he were a captain whose huge boat would have become his own body. Thus the body simulates the relationship to the world.

That is isnteresting on the connection between the body and the virtual world!


Macromedia – Press room : Macromedia extends personalization to the inbox with LikeMinds eMail

LikeMinds observes implicit clickstream behavior, purchase history, and explicit form data on the e-merchant�s site. By comparing such behavior with those of previous visitors to the site, LikeMinds accurately predicts the products and content that are of interest to each individual. LikeMinds eMail uses these recommendations to generate scalable, outbound e-mail campaigns that are personalized to each recipient, driving more repeat visits and more satisfied customers

Sounds almost evil, yet this is the I Like This idea we invented and still await the implementaion of.

Unfreezing the Corporate Mind

Unfreezing the Corporate Mind
John Seely Brown

If you want to change a corporation, you need to change the conversations happening within it. That was the recommendation from John Seely Brown in his address to Real Time participants.
In a good conversation, the whole is more important than the parts, Brown said. A focused conversation is a self-scaffolding structure that has a dynamic aspect to it . Therefore, if you change the conversations of a corporation, you change the corporation.
“All learning starts with focused conversations,” Brown says. “The only kind of learning you want to think about is collaborative learning. But how do you structure conversations to become self-scaffolding conversations?”

Expertise lies as much in the social mind as in the individual mind, Brown said. Knowledge is distributed across people and across artifacts. So the ability to interpret each other — read what is really happening — is tacit knowledge possessed by the group as a whole. That knowledge is brought together when groups share tasks over a substantial period of time, he said.

This of course is from the author of The Social Life of Information interesting to discover that he wrote that key article (see below) in the first issue of The Fast Company back in 1995.

Community of practice

Communities of Practice – DEAD LINK – Saturday, May 8, 2010

In 1997, the Ottawa Organizational Effectiveness Interest Group (OEIG) Book Study Group discussed the article, “The People are the Company” from Fast Company – Handbook of the Revolution. “Communities of Practice” are a central theme in the article. We’ve created a permanent reference for OEIG with the article and some other sources of related information for anyone interested in the subject.
Communities of Practice – References
Communities of Practice
Communities of Practice: Learning as a Social System
CoPs eGroup – Discussion forum – Drafts, working papers, links, and other goodies are shared here.
Collective learning and collective memory
What Should Collaborative Technology Be? A Perspective From Dewey and Situated Learning
Metro Insight: Softwork
More Communities of Practices Links