This research and my comments are of more than academic interest as you may have gathered. I want to organise a regular sociodrama group linked to our local psychodrama community. The sociodrama is to be a form scientific socialism, influenced by Marx and Moreno. Continue reading “Monograph 13: Sociodrama”
Monograph 12: Experimental Revolution.
Lets get going with the next references to Marx. It is in a chapter called Experimental Social Revolution (pp.27-31) The whole chapter is littered with references to Marx, Lenin, and revolution, I need to quote the whole section. I’ve asked ChatGPT to make, a summary, it’s pretty good, but I recommend the original so I’ll quote that too. When I come comment on it, I will quote from the original. Continue reading “Monograph 12: Experimental Revolution.”
Monograph 11 – Marxism without Marx
Onto the next and final paragraph in the same section, Sociometry, Sociology and Scientific Socialism. (p.21)
Sociometry did not develop in a vacuum; many generations of social philosophers have anticipated and formulated a number of the hypotheses which I have brought to a clearer formulation and empirical test. However, I do not have any illusions as to my importance, I am fully aware that sociometry might have come into existence without me, just like sociology would have come into existence in France without Comte, and Marxism in Germany and Russia without Marx. (Moreno, 1979, p. 21)
10. Sociometry and revolutionary socialism
The next mention of Marx is in the same section, Sociometry, Sociology and Scientific Socialism. I’ll quote the paragraph where we see Marxian pop up at the end (pp. 20–21). I’ll then quote some lines from the paragraph and comment in detail. Continue reading “10. Sociometry and revolutionary socialism”
Marx in “Who Shall Survive?” 03 – Working with Prostitutes.
The subject of this post is a little further on in the Preface of “Who Shall Survive?”. It is in a section called 1913-1914, Genesis of Group Psychotherapy. (xxviii) I’ve broken the selected passage into three sections each with my comment. Continue reading “Marx in “Who Shall Survive?” 03 – Working with Prostitutes.”
The First Mention of Marxism in “Who Shall Survive?” – Religion
The first time Moreno mentions Marx in Who Shall Survive?, is in the Preludes of the Sociometric Movement (1978; xiv, xv)
The advent of sociometry cannot be understood without appraising my presociometric background and the historic-ideological setting in the Western world, during and after the First World War. Marxism and psychoanalysis, the two opposites, each had spent their theoretic bolt, the one with Nikolai Lenin’s “State and Revolution” (1917), the other with Sigmund Freud’s “Civilization and Its Discontents” (1929). The two opposites had one thing in common: they both rejected religion, they both disavowed he idea of a community which is based on spontaneous love, un-selfishness and sainthood, on positive goodness and naive cooperativeness. I took a position contradictory to both, the side of positive religion.
To summarise: Moreno makes it clear he is not creating his work in a vacuum. Freud and Marx are the ideological setting in the Western world, during and after the First World War. Moreno says “The two opposites had one thing in common: they both rejected religion”. Moreno took the side of positive religion. Continue reading “The First Mention of Marxism in “Who Shall Survive?” – Religion”
Psychodrama Practicing Certificate
I’ve had one of these every year for decades. I usually print them and have them on the wall. This is as far as this one will get. I do like having it. It is congruent with who I am and also a mark of belonging to a community of people.
Saul Alinksy and Kurt Lewin
Saul Alinksy and Kurt Lewin are both on the family tree of my preoccupation, Marx & Moreno . My old friend Dennis mentioned he went to a workshop about them both (some time ago!)
Here is a site that mentions both figures. Continue reading “Saul Alinksy and Kurt Lewin”
The relations of creativity. Moreno & Marx
Here is a follow on post to an earlier one Homo faber
What makes us human – what is the one thing?
Humans are creators: Homo faber. Continue reading “The relations of creativity. Moreno & Marx”
Working with Couples April 2024
Working with Couples – A Two Day Workshop in Christchurch
with Walter Logeman
Friday 12 – Saturday 13 April 2024
If you work with couples, or would like to, this workshop you. The aim is to build on the work you already do and to gain confidence and competence with couples. Whatever your training, you will learn to be present with the couple.