Across Brooklyn


Bill Manhire

This is the street where they still make coffins:
the little workshops, side by side.
I pass them with my daughter on our walk to the river.

Are we seeking the bridge itself,
or the famous, much-reported view?

A few planks and nails lie around
and each of the entrances seems to darken.
Far back, out of sight, someone is whistling.

Yes, I suppose we do walk a little faster.
There is a faint noise of hammering, too.


Got me thinking about New York. Here are some of my sketches from 2007


Continue reading “Across Brooklyn”


Great to be on holiday and stumbe lazily on my blog.

We are staying on our land at Fernside. Did a sketch.

Pods — 2014

Did a few of these after I came back from a month in the bush. Posted here now as I tried to get it into the media library from Apple photos on thr iPad …. But no,  it publishes it as well.


I have been making ink sketches with the grandchildren 5 and 7 years old.  I offer them watercolours, soft pastels and ink.  Ink!  Did you bring the ink!  Nice to work with but it takes some heavy supervision.

Efforts below.  Some are mine.  All the photos are mine and they add to the composition.

Continue reading “Ink”

Line & Wash Gallery

I’m learning to use Jetpack for this blog. I’m also working on my art journal This is one of the Gallery sets that was in is my art blog but is not there now! Jetpack is doing a nice job!

I used to a lot of these, but no more? I still like them. I’d even forgotten there was a name for the genre.