Nolan, Boyd, Fred Williams and two of mine. Australia as I have it in my bones.
Sixteen images follow:
Walter Logeman: Journal
Nolan, Boyd, Fred Williams and two of mine. Australia as I have it in my bones.
Sixteen images follow:
Bush Is one of my six life streams. Bush in Heathcote, Blue Mountains, Shoalhaven, Tasmania and Aotearoa New Zealand. And back to the Larapinta trail. And the mountains of New Zealand. I’m a bushwalker. It’s an identity I developed in my teens. It’s never gone away. I do more walking in the bush than is evident here. This walking, climbing, mountaineering, tramping, camping and travel aspect is huge in my life but minimal in this blog, as I championed the psyche in cyberspace.
Growing up on the edge of two national parks I had the years from 8 to 18 years walking, running in beautiful bush. And swimming in the hospitable creeks, surfing in the best beaches in the world. Then I left for teachers college in Tasmania, one big national park. After Tasmania, aged 22 I went on a world ‘working holiday’, but climbing and skiing kept me there then university marriage and parenthood. now in Aotearoa New Zealand still at 77 and almost part of the bush here.
Notice it was university as well that kept me here, part of another life stream I call Words.
And a relationship, another life stream.
The Rovers Pool
Did a few of these after I came back from a month in the bush. Posted here now as I tried to get it into the media library from Apple photos on thr iPad …. But no, it publishes it as well.
A Photo Project
I take these with abstract expressionist mentality, mood, perspective, eye.
The first of 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy
Calcination is the process of heating and decomposing raw matter – or in other words, breaking down parts of ourselves that are in the way of our own happiness. Often we’d rather be right or fulfill an idea of “perfection” than be truly happy, so we continue neglecting the exploration of ourselves.
The stage of Calcination represents the stage in our lives where we begin breaking down our egos, self-doubt, stubbornness, self-sabotaging behavior, pride, and arrogance, and put it aside so we can find out what is underneath.
That is such a powerful concept. Notice how *heated* relationships can be — we might need to call the police even! Many times we need to heat and decompose matter, its not pleasant or pretty.
Consider that fragmenting? The power of fragmenting. I love composting, not a gardener, though I’ve had the urge to plant flax and natives. How far do I need to break down? The harder question is how does a relationship work with this alchemy. How does fragmenting work? should we take turns?
Fragmenting in relationships? Breaking everything down and letting the spirit of the relationship do its work?
Though its about chemistry… Google yielded some guiding words:
“its complex non-linearity and long delay characteristics.”
“The calcination zone temperature can be achieved by output feedback of input control variables, the error and the error correction.”
Calcination Symbols from
The first operation in alchemical transformation. It is denoted by the symbol for the first sign of the zodiac, Aries.♈
The Raven is a symbol of the nigredo stage of alchemy. Nigredo, or blackness, in alchemy means putrefaction or decomposition. The alchemists believed that as a first step in the pathway to the philosopher’s stone all alchemical ingredients had to be cleansed and cooked extensively to a uniform black matter. In analytical psychology, the term became a metaphor ‘for the dark night of the soul, when an individual confronts the shadow within.
And to add a sketch I did after the 2010 Christchurch earthquake.
And the feature image above…
Its a beautiful green image, what does it mean? From
Other alchemy stages on the list:
Separation. …
Conjunction. …
Fermentation. …
Distillation. …
From ThousandSketches 2006
Spontaneity operates in the present, now and here; it propels the individual towards an adequate response to a new situation or a new response to an old situation. It is… the least developed among the factors operating in our world; it is most frequently discouraged and restrained by cultural devices.
I hope this turns up in Twitter, and you like the sketch I found.
Later: Yes it did! Now, do I really want that?
Maybe, but nothing automatic.
My reflections on this go way back:
I like poems that sing
and hum, they’re easy on
the brain. Nothing
obscure, but plenty to ponder.
And nothing long. Unless
it really gallops. I want
to see what’s going on.
and what’s underneath.
Love is good in poems. And
life and death. Birth is rare
unless it’s spring, let’s have
more. Earth and fire. Breath.
But nevermind. Poems do not obey commands.
They come half-made and not to order.