In scribd
Audiobook Scribd
Scribd — I’m just interested in “A Place of Greater Safety.” French Revolution.
Walter Logeman: Journal
In scribd
Audiobook Scribd
Scribd — I’m just interested in “A Place of Greater Safety.” French Revolution.
Arthur Streeton exhibition at the Art Gallery on NSW . (Dead Link)
If I were flying I’d love to see this exhibition in November.
I inherited a Heidelberg School book from my father, it’s full of Streeton and familiar to me. Australian impressionism.
Later: August 2021
Streeton gallery follows:
I am a psychodramatist and hence a student of the work of J.L. Moreno. And I hold his philosophy and methods to be revolutionary in the sense of having potential to heal humanity. There is an area of his philosophy and outlook where he comes short of the potential, it is in the conception of mass action and the macro forces that operate in the world. He lacks a good grasp of Marxism. And I think Marxism lacks the science of sociometry, the outlook of small groups.
Continue reading “The Moment in History”
“Freud’s … therapy consisted in turning the patient into his past … instead of developing the direction of spontaneity into the future.”1
Wiese said that in to contrast with the work of Moreno. He’s right too. However embedded the present dynamics is the geneology. Whakapapa. Moreno talked of statu nascendi. It is in the swirl of unfolding from that moment of birth on that spontaneity happens and the new is created.
Sometimes couples aren’t sure whether they are ready to work on their relationship or not. When this happens it isn’t appropriate to do traditional couples therapy until both partners buy in to the process of therapy. Rachel Zamore gives us a closer look at how to work with these mixed agenda couples using Discernment Counseling.
Discernment counselling is a crucial perspective on couple therapy. If a couple or one partner is ambivalent – it is so important not to leap into working on the relationship.
In my work each partner gets a summer of the individual session I had with the other. Those summaries are reframed without blame and they facilitate a process of clarity.
Will they:
Agree to couple therapy for 6 months?
Continue with the status quo?
Talking about Moreno’s approach, German sociologist Leopold Von Wiese, (1949) said:
“the realm of subjectivity is never given up by him. But the use of the word subjective here should not imply that Moreno is limited in his studies by a personal involvement; it is just the opposite. His aim is directed towards the most exact objectification of observations; but the object of these operations is the realm of the human psyche exclusively. This is so perhaps because he is a psychiatrist, a practical psychologist and physician. We too, in our “system of relations” do not neglect the psychological processes; but their penetration is one of several tasks so that we can recognize that realm of existence which. is crucial; the social one which lies between men and not within them. Particularly when one, as Moreno, like ourselves, emphasizes the significance of the little word “between” one should not permit it to vanish into a “within”.”
I like this as a formulation of the relational paradigm.
More on this theme from Von Wiese:
“When we try to reproduce here the chief content of Moreno’s work, we may best start With a statement from White’s foreword to it, one Which is also an axiom of our system of relations: “Social groups are not a sum of individuals but a sum of relations which exist between them”.
Which makes them complex beyond imagination.
Von Wiese, Leopold. (1949). “Sociometry.” Sociometry, Vol. 12, No. 1/3 (Feb. — Aug, 1949), pp. 202—214 Published by: American Sociological Association
Breht is on fire here as he authentically articulates this fleeting moment in time.
Please go to
All posts since April 2020 are only on the new site
26 August 2021
Alas no, its still here. It moved and came back the worse for wear.
I’m back here on
Mistaken Identity by Asad Haider review – the best criticism of identity politics
I found this review of the book by Asad Haider satisfying — despite the title of the book, and the title of the review, I don’t think he just criticises identity politics. Haider defends a strand of it and criticises another and makes the distinction quite clear. Continue reading “Identity politics”