Modern Love (TV)
Watched the first two episodes of Modern Love (Prime) — very good! ★★★★★
I am prone to finding this genre “vapid, nauseating” as the Guardian called it — but not so far in this series.
Discovered the director is John Carney the director of another romance drama Once — I loved that one too.
Personal Update May 24 2020
I don’t say much in this blog about my life or family. Its a Journal of ideas. For better or worse. I don’t really know. I’ve had a phew phases in my life… this blog is about the ideas during my initial enthusiasm for the Internet. Then psychodrama and psychotherapy. Jung. Politics. All ideas. But a new phase is looming. I can’t write about anything new unless I become a bit more personal. I’m 10 weeks post op bypass surgery. I’m 75. Last year I stopped seeing clients. That was a big step! The focus early 2020 was on supervision and training. Here are Health Update emails in the order I sent them:
It seems that is the only one I wrote! I’ll do another …
I have not finished with this blog. I don’t know what I’ll be doing from here on, but one thing is writing. One motivation for changing to is that I can’t maintain the vagaries of managing a server anymore. But that is not all. I could just delete the whole thing! I don’t want to do that. For one I think the whole saga from the 1990s on is interesting, for me and maybe others, family even? This blog is source to writing I have completed. It is a scrapbook for writing to come, and I have a few projects on the go.
Hi Everybody
It’s almost 10 weeks since I had bypass surgery on March 12. It started with some mild pain in the night. Thank god we checked it out and they decided to do an angiogram. “When I hear your name now — all I see is that horrible angiogram!” was a recent comment from my cardiologist. The surgery went well enough, I’m alive, writing to you and enjoying life. When I woke up from the event, Kate and my son Josh were there and I said, “Well, that went pretty well.” It was only later that I discovered there had been a crisis and they had been through a night of agony, not knowing if I would come through. Recovery has been rough with further complications. I had to go back in twice to drain fluid from around my lungs. For weeks I could hardly walk, though I did a few more meters every day. Most nights I have restless legs and little or no sleep. I have a swag of pills with various side effects including nausea. (I’ve got to get off some!) Currently awaiting results of an X-ray to see how the lung is doing.
It may sound bad and it has been, but I’m doing well. All through this time Kate has been loving and vigilant, appreciated. We are up at Mt. Lyford. We walk for hours everyday, including up steep hills, I can feel the benefit of a repaired heart. I’ve been reading, writing, watching movies and having conversations, none of that was feasible a month ago. Right now my full time job is recovery, I have no idea how long that will take. The process is psychological as well as physical. I’m reflecting on life and the future. I won’t go to work till I’m sure I’m ready. I’m reluctant to get out of my bubble with Kate as I feel vulnerable to the virus. I have told supervisees and trainees I’ll be on leave for six months. It could well be that long.
Thanks for the lovely texts and emails. Much appreciated.
Arthur Miller: Writer — Movie
Bought this movie made by his daughter Rebecca Miller on Google Play and it worked on Chrome (not Safari) on the Mac, plugged into the TV.
Worth doing! The film about this man’s life is inspiring and moving. It had a big impact on me.
We have been watching movies written and directed by his daughter Rebecca Miller and they are great. Full of life, intense, psychodramatic. Leaves us with lots to discuss.
Rebecca Miller movies
Changes to this weblog – Notes for myself
Thursday, 09 September 2021
I’ve been doing a lot. Settling the blog into its old home at
Today tried creating yet another full width template from here:
worked fine but I don’t need that. It was only for Pags and Default works fine.
Added a todo tag. On thing is to create a child theme. I’d hate it all to go to custard with a theme update.
21 May, 2020
This website url is now, just as it was about 20 years ago, before I began self hosting. Hope everything works. (To hell with a custom domain!)
New Walter Logeman page:
New home for Thousand Sketches:
It has been a lockdown project to close my Dreamhost server. It has served me well but it took management — that I have hopefully outsourced to
More to do:
My email and some other people’s who have been on my Dreamhost.
Kate’s website & email. (coming)
My old Psybernet site??
I think I’ll be happier to do more blogging — It has been hard with a site that came up with Viagra ads etc.
Out of the water
Out of the water
I drown in the air
Out of the water
Out of the water
I drown in the air
The heart
At the heart of the information superhighway is email. Other ways to circulate information usually want your email address to kick off.
I wrote that when my email went down. Then had the heart problem and bypass surgery.
Folders for browsing, tags for search (or just search?)
It seems there is a debate about tags vs folders. They are not mutually exclusive. Here is a principle I adhered to for years:
Folders for browsing, tags for search.
So what really is the difference between the two?
Physical libraries have shelves and things are grouped (like folders). Tags are really not possible. So it might be good to brows the theatre section if you are into theatre.
Digitally the same applies you can’t browse one big pile, so put stuff into folders, but not too many (at least at the top level). Folders are there to facilitate browsing. The Dewey decimal classification has 10 top levels, and that is about right. They are rather beautiful:
000 – Computer science, information & general works
100 – Philosophy & psychology
200 – Religion
300 – Social sciences
400 – Language
500 – Pure Science
600 – Technology
700 – Arts & recreation
800 – Literature
900 – History & geography
But what about ‘Karl Marx’? Browse in Social sciences. But there would be stuff about him or by him in probably everyone of those groups! Hard for librarians who are forced to chose one shelf for something like: Sociometry, Experimental Method and the Science of Society, An Approach to a New Political Orientation by J.L. Moreno, which also has a chapter on Marx. Digitally it could be in many at once i.e. in three folders: Moreno, social science and politics. That is worth doing. Some one browsing might like finding it there. But consider the power of tags.
Tagging that book with: Moreno, politics, social science would be useful, but imagine adding sociometry, Marx, psychodrama group work, philosophy, religion.
It would come up in a fairly short list with any two of those tags. Also be easy to see what other books come up with a search on any two of those tags.
But what the hell! Functionality for tags is lousy in most apps. They take time to add. Maybe search has outsmarted tags. Google does it all.
In Google Drive a file can be in many folders, that’s an an aid to browsing. No tags, and search works well.