Limited Editions – in the digital world

In a Limited Edition of digital prints can some be landscape and others square? Is it wrong to meddle with the original file if it is still used to print more in that edition?

There is no right or wrong here, who would decide? I have two principles I adhere to:

1. Relationship!

The purchaser has a say. If I have a square one and a landscape version, there is a choice. A purchaser may also have a choice about the size, why not? It is not all democracy. Some prints I just like one way, and I won’t sign what I am not happy to sign.

Now here is an hypothetical situation, one that is possible. Someone owns a print of mine from say a year or two ago, and sees it on my site in a form that they like better… relationship! Talk to me. I may print another one, or replace the old one.

2. Trust.
Editions are what they say they are: usually limited to 25. I stick to that. I will never sell a print below the price of the last one sold in the edition. Prints in the editions may vary a little, one from the other. For one, I sign them on the date I print them, to honour the fact that each print is an actual work, the file is just a file.

You may also be interested in my copyright notice

Books of the Month: December 2002

Books of the Month — Index

December 2000

Janet Abbate, Inventing the Internet. MIT Press, 1999. Reviewed by Linda Baughman.

Peter Lunenfeld, Snap to Grid: A User’s Guide to Digital Arts, Media, and Cultures. MIT Press, 2000. Reviewed by Bryan Alexander.

Review Essay: Anthony Wilhelm, Democracy in a Digital Age: Challenges to Political Life in Cyberspace (Routledge, 2000); Elaine Kamarck and Joseph Nye, Governance in a Networked World (Hollis Publishing, 1999); and Richard Davis, The Web of Politics: The Internet’s Impact on the American Political System (Oxford University Press, 1999). Reviewed by Philip Howard.

Three reviews, as regular as clockwork. Well maintained site. I get notified every time – see the spyonit link on the left.