Wabi Sabi Photos -> Mark Tobey


Now I wonder how much wabi sabi influenced the work of Jackson Pollock and those whom bought calligraphic ideas from japan like Mark Tobey


Autumn Field

Mark Tobey
Born: Centerville, Wisconsin 1890
Died: Basel, Switzerland 1976
tempera on paper
sheet: 47 x 36 in. (119.4 x 91.5 cm)
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Gift of S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.

Not currently on view

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Pretty amazing little step in the evolution of cyberspace – the root of cyber is steering and that makes sense here. We steer this stuff with finer and finer tuning.

via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/bBN38a


Johnny Devlin
Larger Image.

Beautiful photo from Werewolf 3 article by Gordon Campbell The image is worth a click to see the large version. His story & take on this image is great reading.

One other thing : if you look at the people in this picture one by one, they go a lot way to refuting the stereotypes of dull and staid New Zealand in the 1950s. Many of these faces are flat out beautiful, and transported. Look for instance, at the woman with the large white starry ear-ring in the front of the picture, or the two young women in the centre – she in the striped shirt and (especially) the woman to her right in the picture. Meanwhile, the guy on the upper far right looks like a Toy Love fan teleported in from the 1980s. The happy mixture of young and old is also pretty wonderful.