Sociometry: Facebook & Twitter

I am using Facebook a bit more lately.  I still use Twitter more.  But very differently.  This post for example I might link to Twitter, I found the link on Twitter.  It relates to my “Exploring the Psyche in Cyberspace” – psyberspace project.  And people who don’t like this stuff may well drop off, others who like it will stay on.  But Facebook is different.  Family, friends and local people hang out there.  I don’t want to foist my arcane musings onto them.   I might send a snippet, and a snippet of art.  My photos update from Flickr to Facebook.

Continue reading “Sociometry: Facebook & Twitter”

My Activity Stream

I am moving around in the social network space like a sleeper tossing & turning in bed trying to get comfy.

Managed to get my Tweets off Facebook so I now have a sense of belonging to Facebook, some dear friends and family are there. Twitter is more remote but I follow a buch of great people, they mediate my news.

But for anyone, me included, who wants to see everything I do online it can be seen here in Friendfeed

It is cool, just searched on Friendfeed: from:walterlogeman librarything and saw a bit of history.

Can I publish all that data somewhere where it belongs to me?

Evan Williams


EVHEAD.. (Unsafe? and redirects to Updated.

What’s this?
“This is the personal web site of Evan Williams, president/CEO of Pyra Labs, the creators and operators of Blogger, a web application used to publish, among other things, sites like this (so, you see, this is work!). Here, I write about the Internet, business, blogs, San Francisco, my life, and various other things as they occur to me.”

Thursday, 06 October 2022 Update

updated link above old one dead