Psyber-L: Exploring Psyche in Cyberspace Mailing List

Psyber-L: A Psybernet Mailing List
Psyber-L: Exploring Psyche in Cyberspace
Mailing List

“An online group for experiential learning about online depth interaction for people doing psychological work on the Internet. The group has been active (and inactive!) since 1993 and now has a life based on our history and sense of affiliation as well as the shared purposes.

“The Psyber-L mailing list grew out of the need to learn more about and experience first hand the potential of the net, especially how online group interaction effects the psyche.

“If you have an interest in the psyche online – please join!”


I have been completing the transition of this group from L-Soft to Yahoo. Bit sad about that as L-soft had a good feel to it and a better product, no ads etc. However Yahooo is easier and cheaper! I will be able to start writng there soon… life is getting back to normal after the huge upheval of stating the Mt. Lyford Horse Treks (see link coming up).

How is it then that i have time for being here – but not there in the cty? Solitude, strange but true. But then why here at all? Here being in this blog?

I am having a great time reviewing psybernet… tidying… shifting, it is helping me find myself. That sounds too grand. Helping a tiny bit in the big process.

The list of links is really a nice mirror for me and goes well beyond this weblog: Old Links

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