Semantic Web

Mercury News | 05/11/2002 | Dan Gillmor: Web pioneer looks at ground covered, future

Tim Berners-Lee:
“Assuming we don’t cripple technology, tomorrow’s Web will be dramatically different from today’s. What we have today is a human-readable system, a good one. The coming Web will also be machine-readable, Berners-Lee says, and the implications are enormous.

“This new Web, which Berners-Lee and others call the “Semantic Web,” will be an overlay on the current one. Its most prominent feature will be machines communicating with other machines on our behalf, using tools now under development.

“After his keynote speech, Berners-Lee was asked to describe his view of the future Internet. It will be vastly more flexible and useful than today, he said.

“Our connections will be omnipresent, he said. The context of what we’re doing virtually will move with us from one physical location to another.

“The potential seems unlimited, he said, provided we give innovators a cleanly designed, unencumbered platform on which to make their miracles. We’re in the early days, and that’s exciting to contemplate.”

The context of what we’re doing virtually will move with us from one physical location to another.

That is the line that intigues me and of course that Tim Berners-Lee said it. It is still hard to envisage – because what if the cat-door opening mechanism crashes phenomena, it might kill the cat. Sometimes it might be best done really simply! I hanker after technology that is simple. I wish Deskview had worked!

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