Digital Art

Art.Net: Digital Artists

A long list of images & links of digital artists. I am on the hunt for digital artists who I feel aesthetic affinity with. There is so much beautifully executed stuff that looks like it is from fantasy games, si-fi book covers or glamour magazines. What prompted this search is finding Brian Grimwood who is on my list. My recent post.

I think that finding the simple hand made work I like is hard because there are not a lot of Tablet PCs out there. Using the Wacom tablet separate from the screen perhaps does not foster the the presence of the hand. Also there are so many features & filters that simplicity is hard to find.

Digital Art Wikipedia:

Some say we are now in a postdigital era, where digital technologies are no longer a novelty in the art world, and “the medium is the message”(Marshall McLuhan). Digital tools have now become an integral part of the process of making art. As silicon-dry digital media converges with wet biological systems, Roy Ascott has pointed to the emergence of a “moistmedia” substrate for 21st century art.[1]

What is a “moistmedia” substrate? That sounds interesting. But where is this stuff?

Found this:

Ascott, Roy
Technoetic Pathways toward the Spiritual in Art: A Transdisciplinary Perspective on Connectedness, Coherence and Consciousness
Leonardo – Volume 39, Number 1, February 2006, pp. 65-69

The MIT Press

Intechnology we are witnessing the convergence of dry computational systems and wet biological processes, involving the assembly of bits, atoms, neurons and genes in conjunctions that will provide the artist with a new kind of material substrate, for which I have coined the term moistmedia [1]. Of these components, it is the bit that is the most familiar to artists: computational systems and digital media have dominated the techno-art scene for at least 30 years. Attention in this paper, however, is directed to the atom, to the nano level of interaction, and to the molecular domain—more particularly, to an organism’s information network of photons emitted by DNA molecules, paralleled technologically by the constant flows of electrons and photons across the body of the planet through telematic networks.


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