Earth Crosses Series Complete

I am really satisfied with my Earth Crosses series. It includes some from the Thousand Sketches and some I did since. If you have been reading my blog you will have seen most of them, but they look best together. It is this series I am working on exhibiting.


Here is the last one in the series.

Golden Cross

0 Replies to “Earth Crosses Series Complete”

  1. These have reminded me of one of the most memorable art experiences of my life. I think it is their strong vertical nature in a horizontal world. Anyway, the story – National Art Gallery Canberra Chihouly exhibition, outside in the sculpture garden where they have the pond surrounded by cassurinas and the mist machine is installed to waft a wonderfully atmospheric vapor across the surface of the pond, installed in the pond vivid scarlet glass shards that reached up into the mist. Combined with the vertical dangle of the cassurina leaves, the mist, the water, it was inexpressibly beautiful.

  2. Really liked them. Very granular, earthy. Great feeling of space behind the vertical splash of energy. Compelling colours.

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