Max Gimblett

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I am listening to a Kim Hill interview of Max Gimblett.

Wonderful. If you listen to nothing else I link to listen to this.


Artist born in Grafton, New Zealand, big in New York. Paintings Wonderful on art, audience, Buddhism, relationship, Jung, therapy, life & love.

Some quotes I noted, and an an image of his art follows:

“Permission to be yourself”

“New York was the crossroads, I had to go to New York.”

“You can’t learn about paintings from books, not in the 50s, you could paint in Auckland or Wellington today.”

“You need peers and mentors.”

Audience “to heal others to help them”

“Market you start with it & end with it.”

“The whole studio practice is ceramics”

“Mother Pacific”

“I fell in love with Carl Jung”

“Content leads to form” Robert Creeley.

Paintings “are not what they appear to be, they are journeys”

Don’t: “take outside criteria”

“Empty the mind”

“Paint from the unknown into the unknown”

“Many influences”.

“take a photograph of it with my third eye and i hear it speak… it comes into my body… I get occupied by a whole series of commands and I execute them.”

“William Burroughs across the road”

“Spade work – concentrate on the artists.”

“earth mother”

“The audience is everything”

“Quartrophoils” Kyber pass


3 Replies to “Max Gimblett”

  1. Thanks Walter I enjoyed listening to that. He seems very sure of many things others might be less sure of – which often makes someone more interesting to listen to! Kim Hill is a fantastic interviewer – please post more interviews that you like!

  2. Yes, he seems to know all about the afterlife, but he does that in a non-dogmatic way. As Kim Hill mentions I the interview, when he talks about therapy, she can accept it as a form of art, she would be a skeptic of it as “treatment”. But then he goes on to equate art and personal growth as one. And mentions that T.S. Elliot separated them. That must confuse the hard line evidence based skeptics. In Psychodrama we have the principle that good production makes for good therapy.

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