Prints for sale

If you enjoy browsing here, watching me grapple with my art process, make new work most days, consider buying a print! The images, even though they are made digitally really come into their own on good quality archival paper in pigment inks.

I am sure you will be delighted when you see an image you like online presented as a high quality, signed print. My hope is too that you will experience a sense of participation, to have a connection with an unfolding process.

Ready for more information and prices?


Some of my editions are available exclusive from galleries or other sites.

Have a look here on Felt, a rather wonderful New Zealand Art & craft site:

image felt art for sale site


I am proud to have a selection of editions selling in the Allen Gallery in Chelsea New York:

Editions of these Prints are available exclusively at the Allen Gallery


Questions? Send me an

I am working on an exhibition in Christchurch later this year, so watch this space!

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