iPad & Art

This popped up on RWW today:

iPad Art: Who Says You Can’t Create With The iPad!:

The iPad has taken the tech world by storm this year. In a half-year poll, ReadWriteWeb readers voted it the most important product of 2010 so far. One of the few criticisms of the iPad has been that it’s mostly a media consumption device. It doesn’t have a camera and writing on the iPad is akin to walking on the moon (everything happens in slow motion).

However, the iPad has gained popularity in the artistic community – in particular thanks to an iPad app called Brushes, which enables you to ‘finger paint’ a colorful work of art.

It is a great tool – that’s why I’ve just got one. Brushes on the iPhone is OK, I prefer Layers and Sketchbook, but I’m upgrading them all to iPad versions.

The big drawback is pressure sensitivity, which puts it way behind any wacom based screns like my M200.

Just did my iPad first doodle today.

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