iPad Art

Went to the apple store in San Francisco today and heard iPad artists talk about their medium.  I particularly liked the work of hgberk in flckr   There is also a show on in San Francisco I might try to get there next Tuesday.

Future/Canvas – the emerging medium of ipad art:

It has been just over a year since the release of the iPad and already it has inspired an exciting new world of digital art. Artists and programmers are using the iPad as a digital canvas and are creating radical new artwork that pushes the bounds of imagination. Future/Canvas showcases a variety of different artistic pursuits involving the iPad from interactive art to photography to painting. Taking place during the Apple World Wide Developer Conference, this is a must-stop destination for iPad enthusiasts who are interested in art. The original Future/Canvas was the first ever multiple-artist iPad art show held in December 2010 at The Box Factory in San Francisco. Our goals is to encourage the creation of iPad art by bringing together the diverse range of people necessary to create it in an environment that demonstrates the possibilities of the medium.

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