David Eagleman – Secrets of the Brain – audio – Kim Hill


David Eagleman is very clear on

  • how we evolved
  • how we are evolving
  • education for spontaneity not content

Notice, again, how the cultural conserves stimulate creativity.

Now I want to watch the PBS doco


This book


Later the same day!

Watched the first two episodes of the PBS series. They are on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvPu2kYstcg

Very good. Well done. And yet as we watched we realised the misses a psychological dimension. Metaphor. Surplus reality. Theatre of truth.

For example. He shows some remarkable research about the implanting of false memories. But he draws the wrong conclusion. These memories my not be literally true, but literalism is the enemy soul. The story that is recontructed like dreams interpreted may have more meaning than the literal truths. Give the psyche a story, and it will use it to reveal depths.



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