

Spontaneity operates in the present, now and here; it propels the individual towards an adequate response to a new situation or a new response to an old situation. It is… the least developed among the factors operating in our world; it is most frequently discouraged and restrained by cultural devices.

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David Eagleman – Secrets of the Brain – audio – Kim Hill


David Eagleman is very clear on

  • how we evolved
  • how we are evolving
  • education for spontaneity not content

Notice, again, how the cultural conserves stimulate creativity.

Now I want to watch the PBS doco


This book


Later the same day!

Watched the first two episodes of the PBS series. They are on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvPu2kYstcg

Very good. Well done. And yet as we watched we realised the misses a psychological dimension. Metaphor. Surplus reality. Theatre of truth.

For example. He shows some remarkable research about the implanting of false memories. But he draws the wrong conclusion. These memories my not be literally true, but literalism is the enemy soul. The story that is recontructed like dreams interpreted may have more meaning than the literal truths. Give the psyche a story, and it will use it to reveal depths.



The Reader and the Writer

Just read this here:

The reader is the musician of the book


“Books are frozen voices, in the same way that musical scores are frozen music. The score is a way of transmitting the music to someone who can play it, releasing it into the air where it can once more be heard. And the black alphabet marks on the page represent words that were once spoken, if only in the writer’s head. They lie there inert until a reader comes along and transforms the letters into living sounds. The reader is the musician of the book: each reader may read the same text, just as each violinist plays the same piece, but each interpretation is different.”

—Margaret Atwood

This of course rhymes and echoes with the concept of the Canon of Creativity – conserves > warm up > spontaneity > creativity.

I’m writing this post as it goes well with a thought we developed recently about The Writer.

The writer is the servant of the vision.

The writer can give the voice to the vision.  The writer is not you, or the whole of you. The writer has a job to to.  The vision needs no bounds. The writer will prune and edit in a way the visionary can’t.

The discipline of the writer will paradoxically enhance the vision.