Walter & Kate Personal Development Psychodrama Group

Kate and I conducted a regular Thursday evening psychodrama group. We have created a free online group since the pandemic to ‘hold the space’. I sent out a reminder for the event at 4:00 today and I thought I’d put it here on the blog. Part of my ‘Journal’ and also, for those in Christchurch who might like to join.

Here is the email

Hi Everyone
I’m thinking of you as I write this reminder email. I can see you in the Quaker Meeting House. I see the moments of arrival and glimpses of dramas and sharing. I look forward to the day we can resume those events. Now I see you on the list in for this online group. Now three online Zoom events fly by, I am satisfied with them… and I look forward to this afternoon at 4:00. This is coming to me as think of the word ‘presence’ as I write.

When I look out the tent and sit back, see the land, hear the magpie and feel the warmth of the sun, I’m present, as I tumble into another world.

Kate and I are preparing to be back home in good time for our event today. We look forward to being present with you.

Zoom will be up by 3:45

See you in a few hours

Warm wishes, Walter

About this group

A two-hour Zoom group fortnightly on Saturday, 4:00 to 6:00. The Zoom room opens 15 Minutes before the group starts.

We will run this group until we meet again at the Quaker Centre. The Zoom events are open to anyone interested in Personal Development groups with Kate & Walter. (Please ask interested people to contact us).

There is no need to commit to every event.

A koha is welcome of $5 to $50 here: Westpac 03-0802-0058343-000.

Dates for the F2F events for 2022 are here:

[Zoom link deleted]

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