Home Page Architecture: Social Psychological Principles by Leon James in Hawaii

More from professor James – good on “place”…

“My Home Page is my other house. It sits in cyberspace. I had a difficult time explaining why I call a bunch of computer files on my drive by the name of “my house” or “my home.” He had a bunch of folders and files on his computer and he didn’t see why he should call this his house. Well, that’s not it. I don’t use the term “my home” for just any bunch of computer files around. But these particular files are connected to the Internet. This means that millions of people could look at them, at any time, and read them, or copy them to their own computer. In fact any navigator in cyberspace who lands on your Home Page can copy them at the flick of the mouse. For all I know my Home Page, or sections thereof, can have thousands of duplicates of itself all around the world.”

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