Creativity & Art

Here is a summary of J. L Moreno’s theory, the Canon of Creativity: Creativity is innate, universal, it is everywhere. We all have it. It is awoken by spontaneity, without spontaneity it is useless. Spontaneity can be trained. Spontaneity comes through warm-up, and warm-up is expressed through roles. ~ Is that a good summary? ~ …

The First Mention of Marxism in “Who Shall Survive?”

The first time Moreno mentions Marx in Who Shall Survive?, is in the Preludes of the Sociometric Movement (1978; xiv, xv) The advent of sociometry cannot be understood without appraising my presociometric background and the historic-ideological setting in the Western world, during and after the First World War. Marxism and psychoanalysis, the two opposites, each …


  Spontaneity operates in the present, now and here; it propels the individual towards an adequate response to a new situation or a new response to an old situation. It is… the least developed among the factors operating in our world; it is most frequently discouraged and restrained by cultural devices.

Psychodramatic Relationship Therapy Training – Introduction

This is the opening section (DRAFT Tuesday, 14 June, 2016) of a longer guide to Psychodramatic Relationship Therapy Training – see main post, with more links here.   Psychodramatic Relationship Therapy Training Introduction I am a trainer (TEP) at the Christchurch Institute for Training in Psychodrama and a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist. This document is a …