The Rise of the Network Society

book cover

Review on Amazon

Before closing the review, I should warn you that if you expect the firm theoretical founding, you should read first Castells?¯ ?®Information City?¯, as I mentioned in the review of the author?¯s another book, ?®The Internet Galaxy?¯. For example, Castells coined the term of ?®the mode of development?¯ to periodize the informational age. It?¯s not a new mode of production like the capitalism, but a new mode of development which is different from industrialism or Fordism. But anywhere is the trilogy, you can?¯t find such a theorizing. Without that kind of founding, the trilogy can?¯t avoid being read as interesting but bulky sketching out the current affairs.

I find the notions here about “periodising” interesting. (The strange formatting is present in the review.)

Note earlier link I made to Interview

Terence McKenna– Lectures on Alchemy

The intro to this site is here in full:

In a talk that Terence gave at Wetlands Preserve in 1998, he said:

“The other night I searched (the Web) for ‘self-transforming elf machines.’ There were 36 hits! It surprised me. I sort of use the search engine like an oracle. I’ve used the phrase for DMT, ‘Arabian hyperspace.’ So I thought of this, and then I searched it, ‘Arabian hyperspace,’ in quotes. And it took me right to a transcript of the talk in which I’d said the thing! You can find your own mind on the Internet. I’m very grateful to the people who type up my talks and then post them at their websites.”

In the spirit of that last sentence, I decided to post here the transcriptions, given to me by a friend, of a lecture series that Terence presented on alchemy. I do not know where or when the lectures were given. Note: I have not edited the transcriptions at all– they are exactly as I received them.

As you read these lectures, please send prayers for Terence’s safe passage to the other shore. For some of Terence’s thoughts on death, click here and here.

Links to lectures follow.

Best Pix MLHT

We have been making a CD of all the best pix from the horse treks. Thinking about making a calendar etc. I am also wanting to be more fluid in my blogging. I am loving the images. Want to make more. Flow them in here…

Donna Haraway

You Are Cyborg – Wired

Meet Donna Haraway and you get a sense of disconnection. She certainly doesn’t look like a cyborg. Soft-spoken, fiftyish, with an infectious laugh and a house full of cats and dogs, she’s more like a favorite aunt than a billion-dollar product of the US military-industrial complex. Beneath the surface she says she has the same internal organs as everyone else – though it’s not exactly the sort of thing you can ask her to prove in an interview. Yet Donna Haraway has proclaimed herself a cyborg, a quintessential technological body. (See “The Cyborg Ancestry.”)

The picture was taken from the
Women in Philosophy Gallery
by Karla Tonella.