The Rise of the Network Society

book cover

Review on Amazon

Before closing the review, I should warn you that if you expect the firm theoretical founding, you should read first Castells?¯ ?®Information City?¯, as I mentioned in the review of the author?¯s another book, ?®The Internet Galaxy?¯. For example, Castells coined the term of ?®the mode of development?¯ to periodize the informational age. It?¯s not a new mode of production like the capitalism, but a new mode of development which is different from industrialism or Fordism. But anywhere is the trilogy, you can?¯t find such a theorizing. Without that kind of founding, the trilogy can?¯t avoid being read as interesting but bulky sketching out the current affairs.

I find the notions here about “periodising” interesting. (The strange formatting is present in the review.)

Note earlier link I made to Interview

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