Planning for Online Learning

GroupSense – Planning for Online Learning

“The Internet, on the other hand provides a flexible means of presenting content and also supports interaction between teacher and learners and among learners in groups. This is fuelling an explosion in the delivery of courses online. The September/October 1998 edition of Group Computing reports that in late 1997, there were 7,000,000 students taking distance learning courses from higher-education institutions”

This quote is from an article by Dan – sums up the GS approach to Online learning, and covers the basics – is valuable because it *is* basic.


GroupSense Online Groups


“Online Groups enable people to work, learn and build shared knowledge-bases together at their own time, their own place and their own pace. Online Groups foster and facilitate innovation, learning, collaboration and knowledge-sharing.
GroupSense partners with organisations to establish self-sustaining Online Groups that achieve specific purposes.

Online Groups use simple technology that requires only standard email. GroupSense provides Planning, Design, Training and Hosting to establish Participation Habits that maximise the value of each Online Group.”

This is my friend & colleague Dan Randow’s site. Business is thriving, and I am pleased to be working with the team as a part time consultant. I have been in on discussions and planning from the start but only this year have I begun to work professionally, as a host. The GroupSense approach makes sense – it is essential to work with *people first*, it is only from knowing people and the organisation that we can design the group structure and format.

Full Circle Associates: Online Community Resources

Full Circle Associates: Online Community Resources
Nancy White’s list of resources.
Here are the categories:

“Index – see below for specific links.

Online Community – General and Nancy’s Musings – Some of these are just beginnings of ideas, waiting to germinate. – Articles and Events – Online Community Design Resources – Online Facilitation and Hosting – Virtual Teams/Remote Work – Online Community Software and Web Based Platforms – Cyber Activism, Cyber Democracy, Community Networks and Advocacy (I know, odd mix. Things emerge…) – Cyberculture Resources – Cybercommunications Resources – Some of my Community Sites – Online Community-related Listservs and Newsletters – Full Circle BookShelf – always a few related books here. – MORE!! Online Community Links”


Online Therapy Articles

These articles are all related to online therapy. Considered a rapidly growing field, online therapy has been subject to controversy. While some professionals argue that the face-to-face therapy relationship cannot be duplicated online and worry about ethical standards, others argue that the Internet offers new ways of reaching people.

More from the Catalyst site, useful items here. Thanks Richard


Apollo Home Page

Welcome to the Apollo Home Page The purpose of the Apollo Page, named after the god of music, law and medicine, is to bring together resources for anyone interested in the philosophy of the arts of the imagination, ranging from ancient philosophies of all cultures to modern theories of the imagination and hermeneutics. Its central themes will be metaphysics, myth, poetics and music and their place in civilization.”

This page is created by Joseph Milne, has links to such things as:

Orpheus & Ficino – Link to Orpheus Web Page

Eckhart and the Question of Human Nature (PDF format)

Teilhard de Chardin: The Spiritualisation of the UniverseThis file is Chapter 6 of the Joseph Milne’s doctoral thesis and is copyright 2000

Joseph Milne is also moderator of the Ontos Discussion Group: