The subject of this post is a little further on in the Preface of “Who Shall Survive?”. It is in a section called 1913-1914, Genesis of Group Psychotherapy. (xxviii) I’ve broken the selected passage into three sections each with my comment. Continue reading “Marx in “Who Shall Survive?” 03 – Working with Prostitutes.”
Lessons on Rousseau — Althusser
Tidying up old documents — One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Powerful, Bankrupt.
I used to get airmailed copies of The Guardian, a Marxist publication not to be confused with the UK liberal paper. I saved a page from a 1976 copy. I loved reading the movie reviews by Irwin Sylber. Of course every movie was contaminated by capitalist ideology. He was spot on. I still think so.
I kept a review of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest (which I loved despite of its capitalist propaganda, Kesey is still some sort of counterculture hero.)
Continue reading “Tidying up old documents — One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Powerful, Bankrupt.”