Vision & Hope

E-Myth Worldwide:

A business without a vision is directionless. It lacks purpose. It lacks the essential idea from which commitment, growth, and the sense of personal achievement arrive and flourish. But a vision without a plan is only a hope. A vision needs a plan to make it come alive, to make it a reality.

A nice quote & bigger than just a business slogan. Kate & I have been working on our business  plan & Kate made a good distinction between Vision & Strategic Objective.
 The Vision is how it Looks. The Strategic Objective  includes the hidden means, it is like the difference behoove the picture of a house and the sketches of how the details work under the tiles & the cladding.

Nice site for quotes

Aristotle Quotes:

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. Aristotle

This one sums up something wonderful! Moreno has the notion of the co-unconscious and Harville Hendix the “Imago match” but Aristotle already had the idea.

Dust on My Shoes

Peter Pinney

My hero. As a teen I read every book, and he was the inspiration for me to "travel". He was the first hippy. In '66 I quit teaching & with no money followed his example… but I was no traveller. I stayed put once I crossed the Tasman. I was inspired by the utter simplicity of his life. Nothing. His posessions in a string bag.

I have in later years scanned many libraries here in New Zealand and in Australia for his books, to no avail. But he is back on the net:



Interview with his wife Estelle | A book by her

Dust on my Shoes A flash telling with music etc – I have seen nothing like it. Some background to the flash thing here

A few years ago I called an album of mine 'Dust On My Shoes', and that title came from a travel book published in ther early 1950s, by a bloke called Peter Pinney. He was an interesting character, writing travel books during the 1940s and 50s… he just had the most interesting, picturesque life," he says.

It was Mick's brother whose film and multimedia company applied for funding to create an online documentary about Pinney, as well as attempting to recreate his journeys.


Lots of tabs open of Firefox, this one, the origins of the current layout for this blog:  Kubrick at Binary Bonsai is here cause I’m looking for a way of making the font abit smaller. But I think I need to be off the hosted WordPress site to do that. This one because it was linked to from the Kubrick theme page. While on the subject of Kubrick, we saw “Eyes Wide Shut” the other day, a friend recommended it for its “Jungian” aspect. Makes sense, the two protagonists are exploring a similar synchronous path, one in RL and the other in dreams.

Stanley Kubrick

The Kubrick Site & IMDB  More Kubrick, and we did more too, got out Paths Of Glory, but did not really like it much. Got that from here: Movieshack – Library

Only on Tab one of about 25!  The next:  Abit of vanity:  Looking for the oldest entry with my name in it and found one from February 1994 and more vanity, embarrasing:  1998 Psybernet Web page

Later… never did get to blog the other tabs… nevermind.