AANZPA Canterbury/Westland AGM and Pot Luck Dinner — Flyer and Link to Meetup

2020 AGM potluck flyer

**** Potluck Dinner ****
Tuesday 17 November, 7pm
Phillipstown Community Hub
39 Nursery Rd, Phillipstown

Join us for an informal gathering for a potluck dinner from 7pm. Regional AANZPA members, associate members and affiliates welcome Theatre of Spontaneity attendees, Psychodrama trainees, and others interested. This will follow our regional association AGM (6.30-7pm).




Serendipity and the Sociometric Matrix

Just read a post on John Frame’s blog on Serendipity.


… a strange force called synchronicity, or the coming together of things at one moment in time by that non-linear force called synchronicity. I argued how synchronicity might be related to the two greatest films in Hollywood and one of the most famous books in American history.

Lovely stories about great movies follow.

It made me thing about how drama work… how in psychodrama we use synchronicity – we don’t call it that, but we refer to making the sociometric matrix visible.

Synchronously I was just uploading my 1999 thesis to this blog.  I read it through the other day and I was quite pleased with it.  I am working with trainees who are writing psychodrama thesis.  And it seems to do what I teach now.

Have a clear topic  and audience.  The central “thesis” needs to be present throughout.

Imagine the task of the group leader when faced with diverse individuals and how this might conflict with the desire to have coherent group life.

Join me as a systems thinker, becoming aware of the inter-relationships in the group, to be able to use the imagination to see the life of the group and the life of individuals.

In art, poetry and psychodrama things come together…

The-group-and-its-protagonist-Walter Logeman

Shine – Joni Mitchell


Listening to and loving the beauty and weird acceptance of all we hate.


“Shine on lousy leadership”



Joni Mitchell

Oh, let your little light shine
Let your little light shine
Shine on Vegas and Wall Street
Place your bets
Shine on all the fishermen
With nothing in their nets
Shine on rising oceans and evaporating seas
Shine on our Frankenstein technologies
Shine on science
With its tunnel vision, tunnel vision
Shine on fertile farmlands
Buried under subdivisions
Oh, let your little light shine
Oh, let your little light shine
Shine on the dazzling darkness
That restores us in deep sleep
Shine on what we throw away
And what we keep
Shine on Reverend Pearson
Who threw away
The vain old God
And kept Dickens and Rembrandt and Beethoven
And fresh plowed sod
Shine on good earth, good air, good water
And a safe place
For kids to play
Shine on bombs exploding
Half a mile away
Oh, let your little light shine
Let your little light shine, shine, shine
Shine on worldwide traffic jams
Honking day and night
Shine on another asshole
Passing on the right
Shine on all the red light runners
Busy talking on their cell phones
Shine on the Catholic Church
And the prisons that it owns
Shine on all the Churches
They all love less and less
Shine on a hopeful girl
In a dreamy dress
Oh, let your little light shine
Shine, shine, shine
Let your little light shine
Shine on good humor
Shine on good will
Shine on lousy leadership
Licensed to kill
Shine on dying soldiers
In patriotic pain
Shine on mass destruction
In some God’s name
Shine on the pioneers
Those seekers of mental health
Craving simplicity
They traveled inward
Past themselves
Let their little lights shine
May all their little lights shine

Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Joni Mitchell
Shine lyrics © Crazy Crow Music / Siquomb Music Publishing


Flyer for the Earth Crosses Opening


Earth Crosses

Greater Goods, 105 Orbell Street Christchurch
October to December 2020
Opening evening thursday 15 October 6:30
Opening presentation by Walter Logeman at 7:00

Six prints are on display from the Earth Crosses project I have been working on over the years. These images may bring you down. There is an invitation to depth and to grapple to find your depth. Down to earth.  Definitely there are opposites at play. Or maybe you see an opening?  

You are invited to the opening!


Walter Logeman
I make digital images, I think of them as sketches, but they look more like paintings. This began with a personal challenge to do a thousand in one year. 2006-7 http://thousandsketches.com . My work is from my hand and from my heart.  If I like it I save it.  My style has evolved.  Initially I had a hundred styles, now it is all about texture, colour, shapes and composition. I want them to have life and reflect life. 

I’m a slow, self taught artist who began this at the age of 60. I am a psychodrama trainer by day. I am emerging, more than a decade later, as I age, into a more professional phase of image making. More recent images are on my blog: https://psyberspace.walterlogeman.com/category/art/ 

Making the digital physical is itself an art.  I take care to create high quality prints.

Walter Logeman
October 2020

Download the flyer


WordPress vs WordPress

I now have two blogs


and this one


I tried to migrate to the commercial arm of WordPress to get better service in blog management — this one on Dreamhost, the WordPress.org one  got corrupted a few times. What a mess.

But I can’t abide the new Block interface on WordPress.com. Now I will investigate DreamPress here on Dreamhost. Hopefully my Classic plugin here will survive all the transitions.

Moving over the last 6 months of posts back to here went ok.  If it all goes well I’ll soon just have one Psyberspace blog!

Cheers, Walter


Action & Psychodrama

I’m working on a handout on action for a Psychodramatic Couple Therapy Training event in September.  Psychodrama is sometimes mistakenly called an “action method”.  That might mean people move about. That they exhibit behaviour.  The real question is: are they actors?  That is, agents in their own life!

The action includes: the body, emotions, thinking, the breath, the spirit, the soul, the chi, life energy, prana.  In psychodrama language that is spontaneity-creativity.

Here are two quotes:

The organism-in-environment is a behavioral system; the actor in situ is an actorial system, and, Moreno (1953b) states, it is important to distinguish between the two. A collectivity of actors is a different entity from a collectivity of organisms and has a different meaning.

Warner (1954) points out that from Moreno’s perspective, when one tries to understand behavior by separating an action into components, as the psychologist does, one ends up ignoring the most important characteristics of human behavior, social interaction. Acts, actions, and interactions are complex behaviors that are intended to gain a desired goal. They occur within a cultural context. There is a reciprocal relationship between the members of a group and the group’s culture. On the one hand, it is the actions of the members that create the culture of the group and on the other hand the culture of the group shapes the actions of its members.

Meyer writes, “The heart of Dr. Moreno’s sociometric method is action. Time and again in the writings of this book and elsewhere, he insists that sociometric methods require that individuals cease to be subjects for research, patients in the clinic, or objects of reform. They must become participants” (1952, p. 360). Sociometric research, Moreno insisted, is for the benefit of the people involved, not for the benefit of the researcher. Therefore, the subjects should be included in the design of the research, in the selection of criteria, for example. Sociometry should take place in life, in the real situation of the individuals, not in the

laboratory of the scientist. Unless the sociometric experiment includes an activity in which the group members partake, it is, at best, “near sociometric.” Sociometry is an action method.

John Nolte

It is worth meditating on the words of Moreno — especially how they might apply to couples.

An action matrix registers acts and events . A behavior matrix registers “observations” of acts and events . The actor must become an observer of himself and an actor towards the observer, i.e ., the observer must become an actor towards the observed and an observer of himself ; one must co-act with the other, a meeting is taking place . In an ongoing socio-psychodrama the subjective view of the actor and the objective view of the co-actor are one, they are on the same plane . Indeed, as … auxiliary egos to each other on the plane of action the degree of their reciprocal subjectivities and objectivities are continuously in a process of mixture; A acts towards B, B acts towards A; A observes self and acts towards B, B observes self and acts towards A ; A observes A, B observes B ; A observes A and B, B observes B and A ; A acts towards C, A acts towards B and C, C acts towards B and A, etc . A genuine theory of action and actors deals with actorial categories and interaction potentials like spontaneity, creativity, the warm up, the moment, the meeting, … auxiliary ego and other categories which express the coexperiential level of an actor’s world on the level of action .

Moreno “Who Shall Survive?” p74


Some notes about Action & couple therapy

How does work when we are working with the relationship?  The “third entity”?







Not “male female” but role systems — unity of opposites  unity and opposites.

The protagonist will transform the and the auxiliary will transform

Action is to do with being actors — active participants.

If there is ambivalence about the relationship — Discernment therapy.

Individuation is always needed