Ampersand Bookshop Paddington, originally uploaded by Waltzzz.
Had a good time here today! Worth coming to Sydney for.
Ampersand Bookshop Paddington, originally uploaded by Waltzzz.
Had a good time here today! Worth coming to Sydney for.
Johnny Devlin
Larger Image.
Beautiful photo from Werewolf 3 article by Gordon Campbell The image is worth a click to see the large version. His story & take on this image is great reading.
One other thing : if you look at the people in this picture one by one, they go a lot way to refuting the stereotypes of dull and staid New Zealand in the 1950s. Many of these faces are flat out beautiful, and transported. Look for instance, at the woman with the large white starry ear-ring in the front of the picture, or the two young women in the centre – she in the striped shirt and (especially) the woman to her right in the picture. Meanwhile, the guy on the upper far right looks like a Toy Love fan teleported in from the 1980s. The happy mixture of young and old is also pretty wonderful.
I am tweeting pictures. I am waltzzz on twitter
But really, my main photo page is in Flickr
I must say I am enjoying my Yoono sidebar in Firefox – I am suddenly integrating twits with fotos & facebook. It makes such a difference to me that I can see the pix in the sidebar.
Stumbled across this really nice interview of Josh.
Great picture!!
Radio New Zealand – Saturday, 15 July:
9.05am Interview: John Brockman Literary agent and founder of online salon The Edge Foundation (www.edge.org) to bring together people working at the edge of a broad range of scientific and technical fields. He is the editor of: ‘What We Believe But Cannot Prove: Today’s Leading Thinkers on Science in the Age of Certainty’ (ISBN 0060841818), ‘Curious Minds: How a Child Becomes a Scientist’ (ISBN 0-375-42291-9), and many other books.
I don’t know how long the podcast will be up there for. Forever I hope, but I listened to it later via mp3 player – which is agreat thing to be able to do! I found it interesting, always one to enjoy the reminiscences of a boomer in the 60’s. Disturbing too… such interesting people and stories and ideas but with is a strange scientism in the mix, he sides with Dawkins not Gould, there is a glowing link to Denis Dutton at the end, who maligns psychotherapy with his zealous cult like devotion to skepticism.
More on Brockman here by Bruce Stirling (Interesting that I just said he is interesting):
Wired 7.09: Agent Provocateur:
“You’re not interesting?” “Not not-interesting!” he snaps. “Post-interesting! Interesting doesn’t pay. Well, it pays once, but not twice. I used to be interesting. I was, like, the It Boy. Being so interesting – well, it’s not so interesting.”
Then and Now:
Paul Rée – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I am reading When Nietzsche Wept by Irvin Yalom. It is a strange mix of fact & fiction. A sort of "theatre of truth" about the origins of psychotherapy. I wondered if there really was such a photo of Nietzsche and Paul Ree. And indeed there is !
Lou Andreas-Salomé – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Salome features large in the opening of the novel & she seems an interesting & important figure indeed.
I downloaded the full image from Wikipedia & it is beautiful. I love this project!
B/W Portraits Portfolio of Nigel Parry
I like to add in good B&W portraits from time to time. Nigel Parry does good ones! This one of Christian Bales is topical for me as I saw him do a good Batman and also watched a starved Christian in The Machinist, was it really necessary to be that thin? No doubt a great actor.
tags: portrait psyberspace b&w waltzzz christianbales psyche movies
Of course these days are *yesterday* by some standard… as it is already well past midnight as I write. A much more sleepy day but still did some stuff…
Just been importing mail from Forte Agent into Thunderbird. Works well, both share the same unix format… no that is not right, I can “Save messages as” in a unix format. Mozilla then makes its own additional files in the Profile. Nice. Before that added Mozilla Thunderbird to my Second Copy backup Profiles. Will do another backup after importing more mail.
Before that Kate & I listened to a Dawn & Drew Show that was fun.
In the afternoon I did some errands and finished up sitting in the Merivale Coffee Culture listening to more Podcasts, the best one was The Dysons (though Esther was not there).
That Coffee Culture business impresses me – though the coffee at Merivale is not as good as at some of the other outlets – that must be a worry for the chain.
Back further in the day I did a mailout for Kate Tapley Horse Treks – our Christmas Special Voucher offer! We now have almost 300 people on our list – all opt in at the time of the ride plus a few who sub from the web. Woosh would not let me send it out! Had to log on to Ihug.
BTW – love that Woosh.
I was looking for something in the old EditThisPage weblog I kept and was struck by a lovely (if I say so myself) sequence of posts, I have reproduced them here more or less as they were there. I like to keep a series of great pix going in the links. I did that even in the old links pages. I’d never post one I do not like. Aesthetics count and I like to keep tweaking the look. The photo from the Chester Street garden is nostalgic, we moved out last November!
www.oreilly.com — Animal Magnetism: Making O’Reilly Animals
”From start to finish, an O’Reilly animal requires anywhere from 8 to 20 hours of manual labor. And for reasons no one can fully explain, hand-drawn animals on high-tech computer books became a wild success.”
I think it is because computers were never about the thing itself… the fetish is about the living and organic thing they do. I feel an affinity with the O’Reilly images as I have used the William Morris tapestry in as a logo for years, I see a similarity… the same idea, something, in this case, hand crafted, beautiful and symbolic of the Psybernet work… (tree of) life work contained in the (circle) groups.
With that in mind I kept looking. How is this for something Psybernet, more Morris stuff, the harvesting of our work?
(Note: the site has since gone)
“Welcome to the first test MP3 audio webcast from TalkAboutTheNews.com.
This is a recording of interviews and conversations at the Mobilization for Global Justice in Washington DC.
Please subscribe to our newsletter for updates and how you can create your own MP3 news/talk webcasts in the near future. TalkAboutTheNews.com will be providing free webspace, discussion boards, polls, and a whole lot more! Stay in touch! Listen to the unedited MP3 WebCast streamed by Live365.com “
Well if this was a test it worked beautifully and it seems great to be able to get the feel from people on the spot… as it is right there. What a contrast the sounds of a demonstration are with my autumn shot in the garden today.