Dust on My Shoes

Peter Pinney

My hero. As a teen I read every book, and he was the inspiration for me to "travel". He was the first hippy. In '66 I quit teaching & with no money followed his example… but I was no traveller. I stayed put once I crossed the Tasman. I was inspired by the utter simplicity of his life. Nothing. His posessions in a string bag.

I have in later years scanned many libraries here in New Zealand and in Australia for his books, to no avail. But he is back on the net:



Interview with his wife Estelle | A book by her

Dust on my Shoes A flash telling with music etc – I have seen nothing like it. Some background to the flash thing here

A few years ago I called an album of mine 'Dust On My Shoes', and that title came from a travel book published in ther early 1950s, by a bloke called Peter Pinney. He was an interesting character, writing travel books during the 1940s and 50s… he just had the most interesting, picturesque life," he says.

It was Mick's brother whose film and multimedia company applied for funding to create an online documentary about Pinney, as well as attempting to recreate his journeys.


Lots of tabs open of Firefox, this one, the origins of the current layout for this blog:  Kubrick at Binary Bonsai is here cause I’m looking for a way of making the font abit smaller. But I think I need to be off the hosted WordPress site to do that. This one  http://film.guardian.co.uk because it was linked to from the Kubrick theme page. While on the subject of Kubrick, we saw “Eyes Wide Shut” the other day, a friend recommended it for its “Jungian” aspect. Makes sense, the two protagonists are exploring a similar synchronous path, one in RL and the other in dreams.

Stanley Kubrick

The Kubrick Site & IMDB  More Kubrick, and we did more too, got out Paths Of Glory, but did not really like it much. Got that from here: Movieshack – Library

Only on Tab one of about 25!  The next:  Abit of vanity:  Looking for the oldest entry with my name in it and found one from February 1994 and more vanity, embarrasing:  1998 Psybernet Web page

Later… never did get to blog the other tabs… nevermind.

Referencing Wikipedia


In Greek mythology Psyche ("soul" or "butterfly") was the human bride of Eros, the god of love. Before she is allowed to marry Eros she is forced to undergo many difficult ordeals. Apuleius tells the story of Eros and Psyche in his Metamorphoses.

Eros' mother, Aphrodite, was jealous of the beauty of Psyche. She asked Eros to use his golden arrows to cause Psyche to fall in love with the ugliest man on earth.

Psyche – Wikipedia

That is a quote & a reference to athe opening of the item on Psyche in Wikipedia reference in 2004, saved for posterity (hopefully) in the web.archive.org. Using a slightly different structure (as there are now may more items with the title Psyche) this page has dramatically evolved in 2006, and it is different. Here is the current version (if you are reading my blog on Friday, 14 April, 2006.) of the equivalent passage

Apuleius' tale of Cupid and Psyche

The goddess Venus, jealous of the outstandingly beautiful mortal Psyche, asked her son Cupid to cause Psyche to fall in love with the vilest wretch alive. Cupid agreed.


I think there is marked improvement in consistency & clarity, a tribute to the spirit of Wikipedia & the people who serve her! But one thing is clear, that if I wanted to reference a passage or refer to wikipedia items in my writing I'd better do that using http://web.archive.org as that will ensure we are still looking at the same page.

I could not find any other information about how to reference Wikipedia, surely academic institutions have policy on this?  Using the Web Archive seems an excellent solution.

Audio attuned to Environment


In podcasting the “soundseeing tour” genre was coined in about  2005 and this project takes that to a whole new level.  I am downloading to have a listen, even though I won’t be driving Interstate 5 for a while (it is a long way from New Zealand).  My connetion is with Amy who is one of the creators, great to see this project online Amy!

My WordPress Blog

I set up this WordPress Blog in December 2005, but at that time found no way to import my Blogger posts from the old Psyberspace. Today that went like a breeze & I love this so far. I want to do more structured blogging. Having categories is a blessing. I will move ofer Kate’s News at some point but will want to know how to cutomise it a bit more first.

Email Like Water

I think I am a bit of a Ninja at email and many of the things here:Recap: Becoming an Email Ninja | 43 FoldersSound ok, but there is an underlying idea that email = waste of time.


Some email is a waste of time and some is valuable.

The art is to sort it, not postpone it, avoid it or to have email free hours or days.

I use Thunderbird and use many of the features: filters, flags, and customised Labels and "Search folders". I used to have an extension called "Message Notes" but it does not work with Thunderbird 1.5. Still hoping looking for an equivalent. The sorting happens vertically into folders and what I think of as "horozontally" by multiple tags in a variety of ways.

I apply the six GTD workflow steps. Collecting; (that is easy they just arrive). Processing; most of that is automatic using the software. Organising; doing if it is under 2 min, deleting delegating, organising includes includes linking to Address books, Mind-Maps and the Calendar and thinking about the the associated NAs and alerts reminders needed. Then there is the Reviewing Doing.

As I write this I realise there is philosophy needed to do this well, GDT is part of it, "email like water" also a notion that online communication is deeply revlolutionary for the psyche. This stuff matters.