Protagonist, group or leader centered psychodrama? Terminology

The term “group centered” is used in Australia and New Zealand psychodrama circles with respect to warm-up and also with respect to the drama itself.

Firstly with respect to the drama. I recall  Max Clayton’s teaching when the group was under the misapprehension that sociodrama was always group centred i.e. without a specific protagonist, and psychodrama always had a protagonist.  He then demonstrated a protagonist centred sociodrama, i.e. one based around the social roles in one person’s work situation.  On rare occasions, I have seen a group centered psychodrama, one that began as a sociogram.  An isolate emerged and the group then worked collaboratively with that person to include them.

With respect to warm-up, I am familiar with the usage where a “director directed warm-up” is contrasted with a “group centered warm-up”.

I have found a passage in “Who Shall Survive?” where Moreno talks about “centeredness.”  and his usage is a bit different.


I doubt that we would use “leader centered” for psychodrama.  If there is a psychodrama, then it is based on the group or the protagonist as the central focus.  Emergent psychodrama sounds interesting but is not related to this discussion as far as I can see.  I imagine all our groups are “group centered” in the way the word is used in the passage from “Who Shall Survive?” Even director directed warm-ups lead to group or protagonist centered psychodrama.

What has sparked my interest in this linguistic exploration is that I have been working with couples in groups in a variety of ways.  I want to use the words  “relationship centered psychodrama”.  I think there are many ways to be “relationship centered”.  I think more exploration is needed as being protagonist centered can run counter to the needs of a couple.  I am writing another post on relationship centered psychodrama as I research the variety of ways this can be done and also the way Moreno tackled this in the past.









Interpersonal situation


At some point relationships become a “third entity”.

    • What is that point?
    • what is it’s social and cultural atom?
    • how can we concretise this 3rd?
    • how can it speak?

Moreno J.L. (1941) The Philosophy of the Moment and the Spontaneity Theatre. Sociometry May 1941 Vol 4 


Interpsyche – Moreno quote

Marriage and family therapy for instance, has to be so conducted that the “interpsyche” of the entire group is re-enacted so that all their tele-relations, their co-conscious and co-unconscious states are brought to life. Co-conscious and co-unconscious states are by definition such states which the partners have experienced and produced jointly and which can therefore be only jointly reproduced or re-enacted. A co-conscious or a co-unconscious state can not be the property of one individual only. It is always a common property and cannot be reproduced but by a combined effort. If a re-enactment of such co-conscious or co-unconscious state is desired or necessary, that re-enactment has to take place with the help of all partners involved in the episode. The logical method of such re-enactment a deux is psychodrama. However great a genius of perception one partner of the ensemble might have, he or she can not produce that episode alone because they have in common their co-conscious and co-unconscious states which are the matrix from which they drew their inspiration and knowledge.

(Moreno, 1977: vii)

Moreno, J. L. (1977). Psychodrama (Volume One, Fourth ed.) Beacon, New York.






Yesterday NZ Time was Freud’s birthday



I wrote a post on Freud’s birthday once before.

that was 2006.  I wrote a few more after that. And I’d like to mention this one, 2018, 12 years after the other one:

Freud and individualism in the 20th century 

I changed my tune on Freud.

I’ve been imagining the world lately as if there is no unconscious just people in action.  Moving in the moment.  Its hard to do, but an interesting process.

Playing with Moreno’s idea that the psyche is outside the body.

Social Work, Sociometry, & Psychodrama: Experiential Approaches for Group Therapists, Community Leaders, and Social Workers Dr. Scott Giacomucci, DSW, LCSW, BCD, FAAETS, PAT

Social Work, Sociometry, & Psychodrama:

Experiential Approaches for Group Therapists, Community Leaders, and Social Workers

Dr. Scott Giacomucci, DSW, LCSW, BCD, FAAETS, PAT

Link to the book:

Social Work, Sociometry, & Psychodrama: Experiential Approaches for Group Therapists, Community Leaders, and Social Workers Dr. Scott Giacomucci, DSW, LCSW, BCD, FAAETS, PAT

Theatre of Spontaneity 2021

Here is the printable flyer for Theatre of Spontaneity 2021


Open evenings of Psychodrama in Christchurch

First Tuesday of every month. 6.30 to 9.00pm.

Come and participate in an evening of Psychodrama conducted by experienced group practitioners. Psychodrama is an active and enlivening method which aims to increase spontaneity, strengthen relationships and build community. We explore what emerges in the group on the stage and sometimes the events have a theme. Social or community issues may be to the fore, sometimes the event is more about personal or professional development.

The name ​Theatre of Spontaneity​ has its origins in Vienna, early last century, when Jacob Moreno, the founder of psychodrama, conducted theatre in this style.

The event has been happening regularly since February 2013. Usually between 10 and 15 people come. The evenings are conducted by qualified psychodrama directors

You are welcome, no experience necessary.
Please arrive by 6.15pm.


Quaker Meeting House, 217 Ferry Road, Christchurch.



Organised by the Canterbury/Westland branch of the Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand Psychodrama Association.


AANZPA Canterbury/Westland AGM and Pot Luck Dinner — Flyer and Link to Meetup

2020 AGM potluck flyer

**** Potluck Dinner ****
Tuesday 17 November, 7pm
Phillipstown Community Hub
39 Nursery Rd, Phillipstown

Join us for an informal gathering for a potluck dinner from 7pm. Regional AANZPA members, associate members and affiliates welcome Theatre of Spontaneity attendees, Psychodrama trainees, and others interested. This will follow our regional association AGM (6.30-7pm).