Validating Web pages


Having a busy time in the Psybernet website. Been updating the pages. I am happier with all those that have the

Valid HTML 4.0!

sign on them. They validate, are up-to-date and have been spell-checked. If there are glaring errors, or even minor ones on those pages – let me know.

Words of War

Experts worry that war on terrorism will be seen as crusade against Islam

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush calls it a “crusade,” a war against a new kind of evil. But using such a term, loaded with historical baggage about religious wars, could alienate moderate Muslims that the United States needs, some experts caution.

It is becoming clear to me that the Language of the current times – and the psychological depths it taps into is of vital importance! Words of War leads to a war of words on the net, but can unleash forces that go well beyond words. Good comments in this article by George Lakoff.

Cyberselfish Review

Although Paulina Borsook has been writing about cyberculture for over a decade, most academics first discovered her via “The Memories of a Token: An Aging Berkeley Feminist Examines Wired,” Borsook’s chapter in the 1996 anthology Wired Women: Gender and New Realities in Cyberspace. Since then, Borsook has published a number of influential pieces in Salon and Mother Jones and, in 2001, published Cyberselfish: A Critical Romp through the Terribly Libertarian Culture of High Tech. Aimée Morrison, a doctoral candidate in English at the University of Alberta who is working on a dissertation exploring the personal computer in 1980s literary and popular culture, reviews Cyberselfish, followed by a rejoinder from the author.

Interesting discussion.


Visceral Technologies

While writing about Psyborgs I wanted to show how connected we are – our individual psyche and the collective – or that the ideas we have are integral to us and connected to their source – hence the desire to grab the Net to look-up – to be curious… I had the idea that ideas were close to the physical and that thought them we are tied to the cyberworlds. I looked up “visceral idea” in Google and found some interesting sites, notably this article from Marc Demarest. Lovely:

“Information wants out. And the computer wants in.”

What a nice idea!