Ban plastic waste exports | GREENPEACE
I signed and donated.
But I don’t feel better.
I hate reading this page on Greanpeace. All the more because I know this stuff. And I want to see more than us stopping sending plastic overseas. And I know I’m not active. (but oh, I am!)
Stop making plastic.
Stop ADVERTISING plastic.
Stop Bottom Trawling Petition | Greenpeace
I just signed. This is shocking information.
Continue reading “Stop Bottom Trawling Petition | Greenpeace”
Red Rosa
Tidying up old documents — One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Powerful, Bankrupt.
I used to get airmailed copies of The Guardian, a Marxist publication not to be confused with the UK liberal paper. I saved a page from a 1976 copy. I loved reading the movie reviews by Irwin Sylber. Of course every movie was contaminated by capitalist ideology. He was spot on. I still think so.
I kept a review of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest (which I loved despite of its capitalist propaganda, Kesey is still some sort of counterculture hero.)
Continue reading “Tidying up old documents — One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Powerful, Bankrupt.”
Loyalties by Raymond Williams – Novel
If the UK can do this surely we can in New Zealand!
This week there is so much bad news about the environment. Maybe it will stimulate us a bit more. Got me to post this.
This seems a simple plan. I can imagine popping up some sort of receiver from my car.
UK government backs scheme for motorway cables to power lorries
E-highway study given £2m to draw up plans for overhead electric cables on motorway near Scunthorpe The government will fund the design of a scheme to install overhead electric cables to power electric lorries on a motorway near Scunthorpe, as part of a series of studies on how to decarbonise road freight.
Source: UK government backs scheme for motorway cables to power lorries
#ACFM Microdose: Psychodrama with Nada Sabet
Podcast on Novara Media.
Good to hear about psychodrama on a political podcast. Sounds like some good work in Cairo!
Continue reading “#ACFM Microdose: Psychodrama with Nada Sabet”
Ministry for the Future
I’m reading it, and enjoying it as a novel. So far. Here is a review plus interview: Worth reading.
One thing troubles me. On the one hand he is pro the Paris agreement, as he says in the interview, to criticise it is:
“It’s so crazily idealistic where the perfect is being the enemy of the good.”
On the other hand, he…
Got it from here.