
THe Australian and New Zealand Psychodrama Association Inc. title page …

Begegnung conveys the notion that two or more persons meet not only to face one an other, but to live and experience one another as actors, each in his own right. It is not only an emotional rapport, like the professional meeting of a physician or therapist and patient; or an intellectual rapport, like a teacher and student; or a scientific rapport, like a participant observer with his subject. It is a meeting on the most intensive level of communication. The participants are not put there by any external authority; they are there because they want to be, representing the supreme authority of the self-chosen path.
(J L Moreno Encounter)

Where is this quote from? The idea behind it is great. It seems to suffer, like the Motto, from translation.

Here is the wikipedia page with quotes in German.

This page was automatically translated from German. –

Encounter, Buber & Moreno


Marineau, R. F. (1989). Jacob Levy Moreno, 1889-1974: Father of Psychodrama, Sociometry, and group psychotherapy. United Kingdom: Routledge.

The third idea is the notion of ‘meeting’. of ‘encounter’. Moreno has argued that Martin Buber, who wrote an article in the magazine Der Neue Daimon (see page 56) in 1919. was influenced by his own concept of ‘Begegnung’ (encounter) of 1914. It would be very interesting to establish the exact nature of the relationship between the two authors and clarify the extent of their mutual influence. There seems to be no historical basis for putting too much emphasis on direct influences. Buber’s thinking developed gradually, but can be traced back to his own childhood. His contribution to the journal Daimon was minimal. But Moreno and Buber did have common friends and relations in the persons of Max Brod and Franz Werfel.

The two men also had a lot of other things in common. Both read Socrates, Dante, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche. Both acknowledged the primacy of the original ‘encounter’: Moreno says that at the beginning was action and the group. while Buber says that at the beginning was the relationship. Both stress the necessity to alter the form taken by culture to arrive at a more ‘fruitful chaos’. Both also stress the importance of ‘experiencing’ reality as a means of change rather than just talking about it. Both were highly emotional people, giving prime importance to the body: Buber, still smarting from the loss of his friend and companion Landauer forty-five years after his murder, told Carl Rogers: ‘Now once more. I was compelled to imagine this killing, not only visually, but with my body.’ Moreno, equally sensitive to bodily experience, developed the concept of tele.

See also the post that confirms that Buber was influenced by Moreno.

I love getting a swag of books in the mail!

Just got these from Amazon:

All on a theme, all about dialogue, the nature of the universe, how to make the world work! What a treat.

What is Psychodrama

Looking for suitable descriptions to link to.

Here is a paragraph from the The Federation of Psychodrama Training Institutes in New Zealand (FTINZ) site:

What is Psychodrama

Psychodrama is the name given by J.L. Moreno to the method he developed for helping people become more creative in day to day living. It has applications in many different areas in which people are learning, changing and relating to others, in training, education, healing, spiritual life, business, performing arts and in organisations. Practitioners of this powerful method integrate all levels of a human being: their thinking, their intellect, their imagination, their feelings and their actions in their social context. In this way, learning is able to be applied directly in actual living situations at work, outside the home, in other organizations and in close relationships.

There is a link there to

The page is good too, not sure if the general criticism is needed of other modes of work, though I agree with what I is saying; the first paragraph follows:

Continue reading “What is Psychodrama”


Mutually exclusive items that between them cover all possibilities. What do you call such a list? (I had the name for them in the past, but it escapes me)
This is one for example. :
What to do with stuff


Anything delegated needs a new task: follow up xxxx with a due date.

Anything deferred needs a next action

Do includes filing, storing

Later – Recalled the name: MeeCee
Tuesday, 26 May, 2009
Continue reading “DDDD”

What makes it Imago

What makes it Imago – (no techniques on the list)

    The therapeutic relationship is with the couple

    Psych-educational model – involves the couple

    The rightness of the two of them – conflict is a sign of rightness

    Co-creation with the therapist

    Therapist is on the same journey – walks the talk

    Connection is not Fusion

    Excited by each others differences

    importance of the relationship

    Connection over problems (content)