
I’ve been looking at trees. In life and in art. One influencing the other. The artist on my mind is Ergon Schiele. There is a signature the whole, also present in every stroke, just as a tree carries it’s essence in every branch.

I’ll call this image: I am a tree.

Stanislav Grof on Future Primitive

Personal Experience and Spiritual Quest « Future Primitive Podcasts:

Stanislav Grof, M.D., is a psychiatrist with over fifty years experience researching non-ordinary states of consciousness.

There are two things that I’ve appreciated about Grof that have made a real difference in the way I do psychotherapy. One is the importance of perinatal experience, traumatic and otherwis3. The other is Co-ex systems. Both come up in this interview, though the latter is not named specifically.

Compressionism II

AtomJack, 1998, has a lot insight.  I go on to riff on the compression webpage. and then link & quote.

“we all have different internal filters”

That sums up Gregory Bateson Korsybsi talk.

And now compression has taken new leaps, do less with less

words are compressions – coex systems


tools that do less – Kindle  iPad

“small pieces loosely joined”

the joining is not linear though, joined across isomorphic information systems.

Each small piece is a map and a portal of a territory.

And each territory a map of another larger territory.

Russian dolls

fUSION Anomaly. Compressionism:

“keep it dense. keep it in-tense.”

fuck, okay. “you are what you cache”. or, to codify it: REMEMBER, you are what you cache”. taking this form, we bring as much as we can with us (pack rats), but the problem with clutter is that it’s bulky. not very efficient.

digital trance formation… information in formation… to streamline, we digitize. paper, images, sound, etc. there’s a ton of  information in hi resolution images and sound. but storage and internal link processing power is growing and so far has no limits.

brute force is not a problem. but in the meantime, and this is exemplified by slim systems like palmtops, embedded systems, “elegant coding” for pda’s, etc. demos.. this is all training for elegant, efficient, schemes.. but for what… compressions….(!)

this is the key. we are compressing time. we are fractally involutingly sinking into a wormhole and in order for a tight squeeze you have to compress.. that’s right. so this whole thing about compression schemes and compression algorithms.

wormholes… minidiscs, etc. you want pure? go brute force.

you want the “gist”? the main information? go pkzip. and pk could be psychokenesis, right?

fuckin a.

so this is where we’re at.

compressions. the gist of it.

we all interpret differently anyway, and pure reps don’t amount to much because we all have different internal filters. of course, that IS the optimum and it should be stored SOMEWHERE. like the idea that, atomjack, at oct 14 1998 4:55 pm should remain pure in that form. but to go elsewhere with it? do i need everything? do i need all the unnecesasry baggage? or can i leave it at home on the server where i can access those things i need with my pda?

this is compression. this is compressing time. this is one step closer to fucking immortality and i’m going to get there and bring everyone along with me. scratch that, everyone is ALREADY there. – @Om* on acid 10/14/98

Fractal Freud

Found this image while looking for Compressionism. Which is a whole ism about what Stanislav Groff called Systems of Condensed experience. I see it as something Freud named as transference – carry-over. Fractals, a pattern in one time and place resonates with a pattern in another. OK, a very brief post – a big idea.

Arthur M. Young

Young when young!

I had never heard of the man until recently, and now he is everywhere. Seems he has a lot to say relevant to the psyche and cyberspace, and specifically to the questions raised in the Talbott / Kelly discussion.

Here is a bio.

In 1976 The Reflexive Universe and The Geometry of Meaning were published. These books attempt to identify valid universal first principals and correlate them with modern science. As well, they provide a holistic system for organizing the data of science and generating first order hypotheses for scientific research.

“The theory of process,” says Stanislav Grof, “is a serious candidate for a scientific metaparadigm of the future. His metaparadigm is not only consistent with the best of science, but also capable of dealing with non-objective and non-definable aspects of reality far beyond accepted limits of science.”

Arthur Young believed that the real function of science is the exploration of the human spirit. A bold, humorous, patient and original pioneer, he continues to inspire scientists and philosophers alike towards a truly interdisciplinary vocabulary by opening doorways to the universe of the spirit.