The day

Suddenly have the time to write. Man I have been stressed. I manage it all but it is too much. This year I have taken on being active in our Kate Tapley Horse Treks business – which has been a good thing on one hand, and a stretch and a challenge on the other.

In May 2004 we wrote a fantastic Business Plan using the Michael Gerber E-Myth system to guide us – it enlivened me enormously. Then my own psychotherapy practice suddenly became busier than it had been for the last 5 years – both f2f and and online… then I got sick … and stressed as all our plans have not led to the results we wanted.

Today I rested, thank God, then we had a KTHT marketing meeting, went for quite a long walk with Eli the dog, Kate made dinner, I went to the movies, saw Saw which was so so. Came home and set up an online group at

Now here I am fiddling with my various ventures, typing this in Texpad, which I am using as an External Editor in Thuderbird. Quite enjoying it but have some gripes – mainly about how it quotes. I miss highlighting some lines and having just those quote. Perhaps there is an extension for that. I am moving over to Thunderbird after about 10 year of using Forte Agent for email. This is an email addressed to my blog – so that is something I have not done much of.

I spent a bit of time today listening to Podcasts, and also reading Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson – on my Palm! Bought all three in the trilogy for the eReader. I was not getting the book read as I have the hard cover – and I just could not lug it around!

Enough for one day!

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