Queenstown Walking Podcasts Movies

G’day World 7 Can only take so much of these guys – but they entertained me as I walked up the Queenstown Hill.

The Conference is over and I spent the afternoon walking, contemplating on the conference and the value of having such a community and then listening to podcasts. This IT Conversations was interesting, From the Labs :

In this session from the Web 2.0 Conference, you’ll get to hear some of the most intriguing new developments from three of the biggest R&D shops in the world: IBM, Google and Microsoft.

OK, it may be capitalism but they are exploring and collaborating.

Michael Grohagan added two pods to the mix: Reel Reviews – Assault On Precinct 13, Reel Reviews – Contempt. The last one I still want to see, sounds good. The first one sounds ok, but tonight, as it happens I saw the remake in the Queenstown Embassy. It was ok. Interestingly this movie was based on Rio Bravo which gets an 8.00 in the IMDB.

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