Google, owner of the means of promotion

I have had a major re-install and have moved from FeedDemon to Google Reader. Seems fine. It takes a while to set it all up, though I did import my old OPML file.  I am also keeping a backup of my Google reader installation, I am sick of re-doing everything as I reinstall the OS.

Here is a link to my Starred & Shared items. Anything I particularly like or just may want to return to or share. So far there are just a couple of concluding posts from Thousand Sketches.

The challenge is to narrow it down so I get less but more relevant posts.


What goes into my brain is as important as what goes into my mouth. In both cases people are spending money to get their stuff in. It cost millions to market a movie, we can make them, and distribute them but to promote them you need millions. They use their power influence my prefrences. Filtering my reading myself seems very important, but I doubt I am getting what I really want, which is more socially filtered versions of the world.

Ironically to fine tune my view of the world I am using a Google product, and thedy are the ultimate owner of the means of promotion.

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