Painting day – a question about acrylic technique.

I worked hard today painting in acrylics. Not much to show for it, nothing to post here in real media, (still waiting for my camera, it arrived from Hong Kong but its at the airport till Monday, but there is nothing to photograph anyway.) I was trying to translate a #0736 Trees from the Thousand Sketches and it was hard. This sort of digital to physical is a challenge.

One thing I did, in a moment of frustration with real paint, was a new digital. It just flew out. It is like the one I was using for a reference, with a subtly different feel.

Larger Image.

It is now obvious why I found it hard. The mottled effect is done digitally by setting the paper to very rough on those layers. The light spots are pits in the “paper”. Maybe I need to forget about being too true to my digital version & go with the medium? Or maybe persist?

How would you do this in acrylic?

0 Replies to “Painting day – a question about acrylic technique.”

  1. Hi, Walter. I would try watering down your acrylics (to use like water-colours) & then sprinkle on salt crystals to draw up the colour in places. Wait for it to dry & see what you get (after removing the salt)!

  2. Hi Elizabeth! Thank you. I will give that a go. I have another plan too. To create a textured surface with paint or perhaps some gel and then paint over that & sand down. Will report back on the blog!

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