The Red Book Dialogues.


Previous posts link to Alice Walker and Charlie Kaufman in this series. I have yet to listen, but it sounds good!  I’d love for our local NZAP group do make some of these types of audio! The images a cool too.  Sample above.

Rubin Museum of Art:The Red Book of C. G. Jung Programs

Quote follows.

The Red Book of C. G. Jung Programs The Red Book Dialogues In the spirit of RMA’s exhibition The Red Book of C.G. Jung, personalities from many different walks of life will be paired on stage with a psychoanalyst and invited to respond to and interpret a folio from Jung’s Red Book as a starting point for a wide-ranging conversation. The guests include composer John Adams, performance artist Marina Abramovic, director John Boorman, musician/artist David Byrne, actress Kathleen Chalfant, Zipcar entrepreneur Robin Chase, Smashing Pumpkins lead Billy Corgan, film director Jonathan Demme, director Andre Gregory, New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik, author Andrew Harvey, screenwriter Charlie Kaufman, documentarian Albert Maysles, graphic designer Stefan Sagmeister, Pulitzer Prize-winning dramatist of Doubt, John Patrick Shanley; poets Linda Gregg and Tracy K. Smith, painter Philip Taaffe, novelists Gloria Vanderbilt and Alice Walker, and philosopher Cornel West. Video podcasts of selected Red Book Dialogues will be available on line shortly.

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